
Responses from sean

Error in Upsampling Certain CDs?
I've never had any problems with upsampling. Can't recall if have "The Wall" on disc, but if i do, i'll try giving it a spin tonight and see what happens. Sean> 
buzzzzz, where did i go wrong?
JD, you can try to measure the resistance between the various grounds. You can go from the ground on the breaker box to each individual rod and see what resistance that you get. If you get readings that are all very close, that is a good thing. Th... 
Difference between 24/96 and 24/192
I know that the newer "slim line" DV-440 is rated for 24 / 192 output use with the internal DAC's and is selectable for use with 48 KHz or 96 KHz as a transport through the digital out's. Other than that, i can't remember any specific model number... 
Run Balanced and RCA at the same time?
Since we are on the subject, i just saw a review of a product that had LESS gain through the balanced outs than it did through the RCA's. I think it was appr +4 dB's hotter through the RCA's, so this was really confusing and out of the ordinary. S... 
Whats the downside of leaving ones amps on allways
Digital gear takes several hours to stabilize in most cases. If possible leave this on. In most cases, it draws little to no power, even when running. Tube based DAC's obviously pull more power than most SS DAC's, but the added expense would proba... 
how many have a WAF?
Although i'm not married, my situation is very similar to Craig's. We both keep our finances separately but pay jointly towards all common expenses. Since this gives us each a relatively good amount of financial freedom, who buys what with who's m... 
Run Balanced and RCA at the same time?
Keep in mind that balanced outputs are TYPICALLY of higher output than most RCA based outputs. In other words, you may have to play around ( even more ) with gain matching the two amps. Sean> 
"Cable Driver" by Audience
Detlof, i had been to their website several times but never noticed that device. I think it is an electronic ( rather than transformer based ) version of a device that i discuss in the thread below. Maybe someone is actually starting to wake up in... 
Digital Audio Cables: Wire or Optical
I think that digital signals are PCM ( pulse code modulated ) but i'm not sure. Never really paid a lot of attention to how they did this, only the results. Either way, they are "modulating" or "super-imposing" the digital data stream onto an rf b... 
Suspended vs. nonsuspended TT?
TWL, that question is not out of line. The NAD products are quite musical and reliably built, especially for their price range. As such, i can see them being compared to the musicality of the Tenor's, etc...Hahahaahah. Obviously, i was joking on t... 
Best looking / worst looking amps & preamps
Steve, you hit that one on the head with the Ampzilla and Blowtorch. The Blowtorch reminds me of Klaus' Odyssey preamp that's been out for a few years now. They both make use of those steroid sized knobs. Sean> 
Electicity bill down 45 mo-
Derrick, kind of convenient that you left out the part about you going to a 12 wpc Technics receiver, isn't it ? Of course it's going to pull less power. Sean>PS... I'm just kidding folks : ) 
The Volex cords are basically Belden cables with molded ends. Belden used to market them under their name and then stopped for some reason. Supposedly a very good basic cord, especially for the money. Many folks start off with these and then simpl... 
Has anyone heard the Shanling CD player?
Jond, while i typically don't pay a "lot" of attention to cosmetics, I'm with you on this one. It has surely caught my eye and i think that this is a phenomenally good looking piece of gear. If it measures up in terms of sound and reliability, the... 
buzzzzz, where did i go wrong?
JD, i'll drop you a line in the morning, kind of late and i'm beat now : )To start off, try grounding ALL of your ground rods together. That should get rid of your hum. If it does, you either need to replace the FIM's with outlets that isolate the...