
Responses from sean

Sunfire Amp? Mods
My first suggestion is to increase both the quantity and values of filter capacitors inside the amplifier. This will increase bass slam and impact, the one area that i think that this amp is somewhat weak in.While you are doing this, i would also ... 
Who here mentioned Nimbus active platforms???
Chazz, if you do a search for Nimbus in the Agon forums, you'll find several different mentions of the machinadynamics devices. Sean> 
Screen Size vs. Room Size/Viewing Distance
We sit appr 10' away from a 55" Mitsubishi. My findings are that the better aligned and calibrated the TV is, the less critical viewing distance or angle becomes. Finding this out after we purchased this one, i might have aimed for a 60" unit. Sea... 
To run two pair of monitors from one SET amp
Paul, i doubt if the switchbox halves the impedance. If anything, the switchbox may have impedance compensation built into it. This is a form of "protection" that simply RAISES the impedance that the amp sees if you have several speakers selected ... 
Packing Peanuts-a waste
Derrick, the key to packing anything is to double box and make sure that the inner box CAN'T shift within the outer box. If packed tightly enough ( literally CRAMMED full ), there is enough pressure that is evenly distributed on all sides, keeping... 
It's a Bad Movie, But It Was Fun to Watch Anyway
Tim, i knew a "young punk" like you would have good taste. Ya just gotta love ALL of those Troma Team Productions. I may be moving to Tromaville sometime soon : )I also agree about Starship Troopers. Yeah, it's bad but i've watched it a few times ... 
power/impedence reciprocity
Sugar, cost is not a factor here. Look at what the amps clip at and then look at what they are rated for at the various impedances involved. The closer that they come to "doubling down" at the point of clipping, the truer the statement "high curre... 
Miracord 50H Turntable
Are you guys trying to say that not only do TT's sound different from one another, but that they can sound better than CD's ??? Perish the thought.... : ) Sean> 
Alpha-Core Goertz IC's
Are the Silver Sapphire's flat or are they round like the Micropurl's ? I've found that the Copper Micropurl's take a LONG, LONG time to fully settle in, even with the aid of a burner. Otherwise, they tend to sound hard, splashy and sibilant. They... 
What is the right thing here................
Cover the cost of replacing the damaged drivers and then change your email and phone number when all is said and done. Otherwise, I think that you will find that this guy is a certified "P.I.T.A." in the long run.Before agreeing to do so, i would ... 
power/impedence reciprocity
MOST amps that "double down" are simply under-rated at higher impedances for sake of advertising purposes. Most will do WAY more at 8 ohms before clipping than what their rated power specifies. This gives them what appears to be "high current" sta... 
Nakamichi ST7- Are these amps close to Threshold?
I've never messed around with the Nak amps that made use of the Stasis circuitry. I have heard from others that were familiar with both that the Nak version was a complete disaster in terms of both sonics and reliability. I specifically remember o... 
Amplifiers either work or they don't work. But
It is quite possible that a design making use of coupling caps could gradually lose output, alter tonal balance, suffer from increased noise, etc.. as the capacitors degrade and change value. It could be so gradual that you might not notice until ... 
buzzzzz, where did i go wrong?
JD, i would first try isolating the conduit from the audio system as you mentioned. If that does not solve the problem ( which i think it might ), then let's take it from there. Having ground rods spaced out quite a distance lends itself to differ... 
how many have a WAF?
JD, i can't answer that question. If you take into account all of the perks and benefits that my girlfriends' job offers, she makes more than i do !!!! As such, i still don't feel slighted by being forced to pay half the bills : ) As to your weddi...