
Responses from sean

Hybrid SACD the new standard?
The few hybrids that i've listened to have given me a headache / listening fatigue. This took place on a couple of different occassions. My brother was with me one of these times and he experienced the same effect. Maybe i'm "tainting the water" f... 
Opinions on Marsh P2000 preamp?
Owning a Marsh P2000 and having tried other preamps, i will say that i was not overtly impressed with it initially and that it takes quite a while to really settle in. Why the longer settling time, i don't know. I ran it for a while in one system,... 
Collective letter s to Stereophile
Upgrade, MANY of those "loaner" components are never returned or returned WAY, WAY later. I've read reviews where a reviewer broke out an amp for comparison to what he was currently writing about. As it turns out, the amp that he "took out of stor... 
What is the advantage of ultra bandwidth?
Thanks for the kind words Greg. You also brought out some valid points that i forgot to mention. As such, i hope that you don't mind that i highlight or expound upon them a bit. I've tried to keep this "simple" so most folks can follow along. If i... 
any comments on the threshold fet ten/hl pre-amp?
Right on Unsound. People are sucked in by the "surface features" and forget that beauty can be far more than "skin deep". Your analogy of acoustic tiles is a perfect example. While they do have their place, improper use or not factoring in all of ... 
best diy or used somewhat small speaker 1200
Personally, i think that the center should match the timbre of the mains as closely as possible. Given the fact that you have Totem's and Vince typically likes using smaller drivers to begin with, he just might have a slim-line design that could s... 
Aren't passive radiators out of phase?
Mish, your HT sub sounds like a different yet probably more "technically correct" approach to using passive's than how most other designs go about it. What brand and model of sub is this ? Such a design doesn't ring any bells to me.As to your "mus... 
any comments on the threshold fet ten/hl pre-amp?
Good points Unsound. I also tend to lean that way. It is not that tubes sound "better" due to being "more realistic under adverse conditions", i think that SS typically just shows us how bad MOST of our recording process really is or can be. Since... 
Do power cords really matter?
Thanks to PsychicAnimal and Bob Bundus, i just snagged a handy piece of AC related test equipment off of Ebay. You plug it into the wall ( courtesy of a power cord with an IEC jack ) and it gives you three distinct views of your AC signal via an o... 
What companies, out of Business, did you LOVE???
I "think" that Harold Beveridge's son is still working with the speakers, but not sure. I remember reading something about that somewhere, but can't remember where. If really interested, i'm sure a search of either the Agon or AA archives would tu... 
Constructing/braiding your own speaker cables.
Try contating Belden and ask them if they have something already made along those lines. You may be able to buy pre-manufactured cables and save yourself the labor. Obviously, you would have to put your own terminations on, but this doesn't seem t... 
i finally hit the "G" spot on my T/T
Hifi, does your arm have "on the fly" VTA adjustments or was it a matter of trial and error with a lot of listening in between ? Can you mention what table / arm / cartridge you are using along with how you arrived at that setting ? I only ask so ... 
Collective letter s to Stereophile
I basically agree with your comments but you should remove Dunlavy from your list of "preferred companies". Believe me, there is a LOT of "funny" circumstances around what took place with the SC-IV. Besides that, how many Dunlavy products have bee... 
What is the advantage of ultra bandwidth?
To achieve wide bandwidth, the circuitry must be "fast". This means improved transient response, better dynamics, etc... It also means that the signal remains linear well beyond what we can hear, making in-band response much cleaner and purer. Lim... 
Aren't passive radiators out of phase?
I've never spent much time playing with or learning about passive's although i have owned a pair or two over the years. As you probably know from some of my posts, i am a "sealed" kinda guy when it comes to boxes with TL's coming in second. Someon...