
Responses from sean

B&K vs Adcom – opinions please
Thanks for the kind words. I know that i come across as an "opinionated bastard" many times ( and i am ), but i'm glad to see that some folks understand that i'm doing what i can to help others. Hopefully, folks will realize that others may have s... 
Speaker cable suggestions
I know more than a few people that have wandered over to Goertz from the Kimber camp and been quite happy with the results. As such, i second Pops' suggestion above. Give Goertz a call and see what you can work out. I would suggest sticking with t... 
Monarchy SM70 Pros - Verses - Odyssey Stratos
Judging by your the description of your own sonic preferences, i would think that the Odyssey would be better suited to your liking than the Monarchy's. Bare in mind that i'm basing this on what i've heard out of the Monarchy's and what others hav... 
Cary sound?
There is a saying about a specific brand of tube products regarding their "air", "liquidity", "musicality" and "depth of soundstage". It is called "Cary Magic" and not without good reason. Having said that, i've always found Cary products to be no... 
Where is noise coming from?
It could be in your phono cartridge, in the interconnect from table to phono amp or from the phono amp to the preamp. Only way to tell is to do some troubleshooting and minimize the variables via process of elimination. Sean> 
Perreaux amplifier 3150B - your opinion sought
This specific Perreaux amp is very warm and full sounding with great bass "thump". Some would say that the amp lacks air and spaciousness and i would probably tend to agree as a general rule. If you like a warm and romantic sound with great bass a... 
Opinions on Sunfire, Carver Lightstar amps
The Lightstar / Lightstar Reference are both more linear and slightly better built than the Sunfire's. The Sunfire's were purposely voiced to sound slightly more romantic ala the "classic" tube sound. Both series of amps are capable of very good p... 
any ideas on fan cooling of a high powered amp?
Obviously, one should take into consideration that any amp needs adequate ventilation. This means that air needs to be able to flow on ALL sides of the amp AND there has to be enough space above the amp for heat to naturally convect up and away fr... 
General DIY Soldering Questions
Here's a link to what is probably one of the most commonly used professional grade solder stations in the world. I have and use this Weller Solder Station at work for 8 - 12 hrs per day and they work very nicely. If that is a little too "rich" for... 
3-Way Crossover's and Amp selection?
I don't know of any public source on suggested mods for the older B&K amps. As far as amps go, you are asking for a LOT of headaches if you start mixing and matching amps. That is, unless you can have them all gain matched. As far as mixing br... 
Dedicated power lines-getting started
If someone is looking to take credit for the research and design work on these cords and the specific materials being used, i can pretty much state without hesitation that Chris is the originator of said designs and may have received a bit of help... 
Magnum Dynalab 205 FM Signal Sleuth focusing bad?
I would contact Magnum and see what they have to say. Your description is of a product that is WAY out of calibration. From the sound of it, they are shipping these out by the truckload with very limited QA ( Quality Assurance ). Sean> 
volume control problem
I think that Viridian hit it on the head. As such, the potentiometer ( volume control ) on the ARC probably tracks so fast that Vrathke ( and a lot of others in similar situations ) probably ends up with "all or nothing" when trying to adjust the ... 
Do you rember your first?
Ah, those were the good old days. Brings back a lot of good memories for me. Thanks for posting this thread Warren. My first component system was purchased for me by my Father as a gift when i was 12 years old. It consisted of a Sony STR-1800 rece... 
3-Way Crossover's and Amp selection?
Boy, the amps in your list sure do cover the full range in terms of pricing on the used market. From Monarchy's that can be had for a very reasonable price up to Krell's and Atma's, you've got quite a selection there. Whatever you choose, you have...