
Responses from sean

speaker sensitivity dividing lines
Phasecorrect: Have you ever actually watched / measured how an amplifier loads into a speaker and how the speaker can modulate the amplifier ? In some cases, you can literally watch the input waveform from the preamp or source change as the amp ha... 
Garbage in - Garbage out?
I agree with Albert regarding Pbb's comments i.e. he hit it on the head. If one did "SFTA", you would find that i've said all along that your system is only as strong as your weakest link. It is the system that you're listening to, not any one com... 
speaker sensitivity dividing lines
Ernie: That is a good point about "optimistic" specs from manufacturers. I think that Klipsch did just that with their RB-5's. From what i can remember, they claimed something like 95 - 96 dB's and they actually measured more like 91 - 92 dB's ( g... 
increase transparency for philips sacd 1000
I thought that some of you might find this interesting. Take a look at this thread, review the link below and then decide for yourself who was "joshing" who. Given some of the exchanges in this and similar SACD 1000 threads, i find the first "offe... 
Chassis ground and balanced mode - please help me
J: I think that a phone call to both manufacturers might offer you quite a bit of info. I'd be curious as to what you find out, so please, share the wealth once it falls into your lap : ) Sean>PS... I was not talking about Pass or Plinius gear ... 
Compiling info for Audiogon FAQ's
Glad to see that you folks think that this would be useful. Having said that, i'm thinking that you still missed some of my points OR i didn't express myself as well as i thought. Wouldn't be the first time for either one ... : ) I was thinking th... 
speaker sensitivity dividing lines
Gs: Correct me if i'm wrong, but you can only put so much signal into any gain stage before it begins to distort and overload. On the same hand, an output stage can only put out so much power before it starts to distort and overload. As such, driv... 
Chassis ground and balanced mode - please help me
J: While i don't know how common it is in audio gear, some RF designs make use of two different "grounds". One is a board ground and the other is a chassis ground. In some instances, it is beneficial to have these two grounds separated and in some... 
speaker sensitivity dividing lines
Unsound: In the days of yesteryear where sealed designs walked the Earth in great numbers, there were TONS of speakers in the 85 - 88 dB range. Since driver technology has increased over the years, vents of one kind or another are FAR more common ... 
Chassis ground and balanced mode - please help me
I would suggest calling Pass Labs up and see what they have to say. Other than that, running dedicated lines for each component would not correct the problem if there was a difference in ground potential between the lines. Since you've floated the... 
Blackgate mod for the Superphon Revelation Basic?
Why not contact Stan Warren and see what he says ? He built / designed the unit and would know better than anyone if it was worthwhile to do. Since he is typically a BIG fan of Black Gates ( as are everyone that i know that have tried them ), he m... 
Shanling T100 owners, please help
That's a pretty novel approach and pretty interesting to say the least. Sounds like a really cool set-up, so long as the tube & SS output stages have similar gain curves. Otherwise, you might run into a lack of "cohesiveness" due to different ... 
High efficiency speakers vs Low, pros and cons
This is a VERY technical question and involves the engineering trade-offs between transient response, bandwidth, driver excursion, cone break-up ( distortion ), power handling, etc... Suffice it to say that if one could achieve "perfection" i.e. a... 
Newbie que on "recommended amplifier" rating
Yes, Bose did put light bulbs in their speakers. As voltage levels increase, there is enough energy there to light up the bulbs. The bulbs can be lit full time if the energy level is of a high enough average or only light up momentarily on peaks i... 
Can I run my Amp from a Line Conditioner?
Voodoochile: There are ways to manipulate figures to portray whatever one wants to say IF one is "crafty". That does not mean that the tests used or figures conveyed were realistic or performed in a "tell all" method.To put things in perspective, ...