
Responses from sean

Are the new Marsh preamps really giant killers?
I had a P2000 ( SS ) when it first came out ( 2 1/2 years ago ) and my opinions are pretty varied. I will say that the unit takes a LONG time to settle in and is very system dependent. I wrote a review about this unit that can be found in the AA r... 
$10 / foot speaker wire
Dekay: For what it's worth, PLEASE try some different RCA plugs. Those "el cheapo's" from Rat Shack sound horrible in my experience. I built some experimental cables using those and they sounded horrible. I later went back to those cables and trie... 
Power Consumption idle
Kind of a coincidence here given this thread, but I've been having problems at my shop with the voltage dropping. I recently noticed some of my test equipment going out of calibration or "lock" and started checking into what was going on. As it tu... 
Opinions: USED 200- 300 wpc amp with remote on/off
I don't know of too many bridged amps that are going to like feeding a 2 ohm load. When you bridge an amp, the amp sees what is effectively half the "real" impedance of the speaker. As such, the amp would be looking at what was effectively a 1 ohm... 
Power Consumption idle
While Timo's point is valid, i would hope that the Sim ( or any other amp ) offers a little more area as a heatsink than that of what the glass of a light bulb offers. I would suggest picking up a device from Rat Shack as i've found it to come in ... 
To Power Condition or not?
Glad to hear that things are pulling together for you. Sounds like you had the electrician busy for a while. It's not unusual to think that you are done only to find yourself with yet another project that came about as a result of the other "upgra... 
Panamax 12 volt trigger Hint
Good and friendly post. It's small stuff like this that can have you pulling your hair out and cussing the manufacturer. This is the type of info that should be basic info in the manual but is often overlooked. Between audio and RF gear, i've come... 
This Sistrum stuff works
Audiotweak: I guess if you are a person that believes that science can explain everything and man knows all that there is to know, life becomes a lot simpler. You don't have to worry about any new discoveries or scientific breakthroughs ever poppi... 
Cryo treated wires?
In order to cut down the amount of tension involved in controversial threads and subjects, i will post my point of view first and then anybody that disagrees with me will be censored. This will minimize the amount of subjectivity within any thread... 
This Sistrum stuff works
I posted quite a bit about energy transfer and cone points over in AA about two years ago. Jonathan Scull compiled some of these posts and assembled parts of them into what became the majority of his February 2001 "Fine Tunes" column. Bare in mind... 
Innersound - Relocated?
Don't know anything about Innersound moving, but i'm glad to see you're back : ) Sean> 
Cryo treated wires?
While i can't remember who it was, someone here on Agon posted a comparison between three identical cables. One was "stock" and was simply used like any other cable i.e. it was put into a system and a musical signal passed through it. Another cabl... 
What kind of power wakes up electrostatic speakers
To corroborate what Bob stated, ML is in fact using the JC-1's as their reference amplification within their test lab / listening room. Even in a large room, ML stated that these amps are fully capable of providing any SPL range that they desire a... 
Why go with active preamp?
If a player only has one set of outputs with variable output, adding additional gain stages will only amplify what the player is already passing through its' built in attenuator. On top of that, so long as the player already has more than enough o... 
6 channel amp in a 5 speaker config
There is nothing wrong with what you want to do. In many cases, you are better off NOT using all the channels on a multi-channel amp, especially if it uses one common power supply. This increases the amount of power available to all of the other c...