
Responses from sean

Cap upgrade?
Duke did a very nice job of summing things up. I'd only like to add that there are different ways to increase "power supply reserve" aka filter capacitance. Just as there are different sized "buckets" with varying "fill & spill" times, caps ar... 
Found an interesting way to compare IC cables...
While i agree with what you are saying Bob, would you care to venture out and say why you think that this occurs ? I'm not trying to question your comment, only trying to better understand what others think about such subjects. Sean> 
Pass X-150
I was not knocking / commenting on any specific design but on all designs in general. As far as engineers / designers "messing it up" after having years of experience, i've seen way too many "highly respected" products that had very obvious flaws ... 
Pass X-150
I agree that changing binding posts can be beneficial in more ways than one. The problem is that this too can be a bigger chore than what one expects, especially if the internal cabling is soldered to the post rather than connected via some type o... 
"Polyamping" A Look to the Future or Fancy Fad?
Mezmo: While i appreciate the vote of confidence, don't encourage me. I already open my mouth too much as it is. Just ask Brulee....4Yanx: What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander i.e. personal preference rules. Once you've hea... 
Separates or Receiver for 2K
There is no such thing as a "great receiver" as far as i'm concerned. Asking for one that does multi-channel HT makes that even more of a contradiction in terms. When you factor in that you have somewhat lower impedance speakers that are of relati... 
"Polyamping" A Look to the Future or Fancy Fad?
I think that such an idea is great. Having said that, i would emphatically state that 60 wpc is not enough power to achieve quality reproduction of low frequencies in my opinion based on quite a bit of experience in this area. With that in mind, i... 
Good under 200watt stereo amp for under $800
While i have no idea of the type of load that you are driving, personally, i would remove the two B&K's from your list. The newer B&K's are not in the same league as the other amps that you have listed. Depending on the type of load that y... 
Pass X-150
I too am utterly amazed at the quality of parts used on some of these "hi-end" products and how they are laid out. What i really love is when you have horribly small binding posts mounted very closely together. On top of that, you can't fit any de... 
What does "transformer coupled" mean?
Clueless: I think that we are on the same page and discussing semantics here. The only point that i would bring up is, while caps do have their sonic signature, i think that they are far less susceptible to picking up RFI. On top of that, the "fie... 
Recommended Reading Suggestions
Two books that may be available at your local library. If you like them and find them to be worthwhile reading, you can always buy a copy to have handy. Good Sound by Laura DearbornThe Complete Guide to High End Audio by Robert HarleyBoth books of... 
What does "transformer coupled" mean?
Marakanetz stated: "If roll-off touches too much an audiable freequency we can apply a small feedback and make tranny's load responce much wider."This sounds like you are taking one negative ( transformer induced frequency response errors ) and tr... 
How well does the VPI 16.5 work??
Charlie: Thanks for the info. "For the record", Sota is located about 15 - 20 minutes from my house. I've talked to Kirk ( from Sota ) regarding their machine and the various design aspects of it vs the VPI's & NG's and came away with the feel... 
Acoustic Reality digital amplifiers
I listened to these at the last CAS ( Chicago Audio Society ) meeting. A member of Agon ( Ehider ) who is distributing the product in the USA was kind enough to pay us a visit and give us a listen. Besides being able to check out new gear, it was ... 
adding DIP to mega changer, any difference?
The only way that a "jitter box" such as a Monarchy DIP, etc... will work is if the player has some type of a digital output on it and you are feeding that signal into an external DAC or the DAC of a Pre / Pro or a HT receiver. It will not work on...