
Responses from sdcampbell

Serious scare over hearing loss
To everyone who posted above:It's now June 3rd (2002), and I'm glad to report that my hearing is back to normal. After stopping the Lovastatin and resuming the Simvastatin, all of the congestion and hearing problems cleared up. So, I can report a ... 
Twisted or Straight?
Ozfly:One of the electrical engineers who frequent our site may shoot me down on this, but I honestly don't think it will make any difference -- from an audibility standpoint -- whether you run twisted or parallel power cords from the panel to the... 
Musical Healing
One word answer: Mozart. 
Spkr Cables . Can you use 2 diff brands at once?
Hi, Daryll:It is not advisable to "mix and match" speaker cables, due to their different electrical characteristics. The likely result is that you will get a different "sound" from one speaker than from the other, and it may also cause instability... 
Which worse- long I/C of speaker run
A 12 foot run of interconnect from preamp to power amp should not present a problem, even if single-ended rather than balanced. As a general rule, short speaker cables and longer preamp-to-power amp connections are usually preferable to the other ... 
I also read Sam Tellig's recent review of the Cairn Fog, and it struck me as contemporary Sam: this is his current "flavor of the month". Once upon a time, back when Sam first started his column and was actually focused on audio bargains, his colu... 
What is internal and external biwire?
I was going to edit my post above to include some more info, but will include the comments here:I have used Kimber 8TC wire in a shotgun bi-wire configuration for the past 5 years, and just recently changed my speaker wire for a different brand/mo... 
What is internal and external biwire?
As already stated, the "shotgun" bi-wire pattern has two completely separate runs of wire that are joined together at the amplifier end -- think of it like a giant "V". The internal bi-wire involves using a single run of wire (usually braided) and... 
Beethoven's late string quartets were composed between 1823 and 1826, and include Opus 127, 130-132, and 135. The versions of these string quartets that I prefer include:1. Tokyo String Quartet (RCA 09026-60975-2);2. Guarnieri String Quartet (RCA ... 
What turntable for 1000
FYI: There is a VPI HW-19 Jr. for sale right now here on Audiogon. It has an extensively modified Rega RB300 arm (I am familiar with all of the mods, and they make the RB300 a significantly better arm), and a cartridge. The asking price is $1000. 
Best Jazz Vocalists - Standard Songs
Most of the best known female jazz vocalists are listed above, but you might branch out a bit and try Sheila Jordan (one of the greatest of the bop vocalists), Irene Kral, Abby Lincoln, and one to really stretch your ears and mind: Betty Carter. A... 
Wedding Music - Recommendations for Program
At the wedding ceremony for my second marriage about 10 years ago, we used a variety of baroque string quartet and small orchestra pieces. Among my favorites were Corelli's 12 concerti grossi (there is an excellent recording of these by Nicholas M... 
Bryston 7B ST - Sounds anaemic. Any help?
If you are unable to correct the problem you're having with the 7B-ST's, I suggest you contact James Tanner at Bryston for advice/suggestions. The easiest way to contact James is to go to Bryston's home page (, and at the bottom of ... 
Any help to ID old garrard TT
There are several Web sites devoted to old turntables, and the following one seems to cover mainly Garrards: 
Which Amp Would You Buy
I have done EXTENSIVE listening to both of the amps you are considering, and chose the Bryston 4B-ST. (A friend owns the Aragon 8008, and I auditioned it in my system for over a month with a Bryston 4B-ST.) With my speakers (Vandersteen 3A Signatu...