Responses from scottya118
Your Favorite Christmas Song-One only Please- Merry Christmas Baby - Chuck Berry | |
Advice needed on power cables, wall warts, conditioning, electrical outlet In order to feed the beast properly you need a dedicated curcuit. #10 wire from a 20 amp breaker with nothing else on the cuircuit feeding a singular recepticle. Once that's done you can feed one or two power strips. You can piggy back to two if y... | |
Walmart, 97 cents, for Vibration Control This product made my wife happy. | |
Discovering an old gem Hi David, I have not but will check that out. Thanks for the reply. -Scott | |
Your Favorite Christmas Song-One only Please- Merry Christmas Baby- Chuck Berry | |
Need help choosing a new DAC Noting your budget I must share that I purchased a Sonnet Morpheus with MQA for $3,200. I think you can come in at @2,900 without. This component transformed my system and will pretty much make any recorded production sound good with proper adjust... | |
What were the radio stations of your youth that helped you on your music/audio journey? WOUR in Utica, NY. Mid-70's | |
Your Favorite Christmas Song-One only Please- Mary Christmas Baby- Chuck Berry | |
FM Tuners The performance of any analog tuner, regardless of price, will be dependent in part on the strength of a signal. Price differentials will be apparent with sound quality. But you need to start with the first to enjoy the second. I recommend checkin... | |
FM Tuners Hi Imaninatural, I felt compelled to respond because I'm a tuner guy. I love being in touch with local broadcasts daily. Especially a classical station about 40 miles away. I love analog tuners as much for the asthetic. I good face plate is a grea... | |
Do I need a subwoofer? P.S.- I purchased REL T7/i and love it. | |
Do I need a subwoofer? Hello olfac87, Like you I found myself back in the research game about 12 months ago. I had to start from scratch and didn't even know what a dac was. Imop a sub can enhance any system and enjoy one myself. A friend once said to me "for food to ta... | |
Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment Audio Note AN-K/spe speakers, Sonnet Morpheus DAC, and Shunyata Research power cables. | |
Tube Preamps that work well with SS amps? Hi Greg, I'm currently running a Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme preamp with Pass Labs XA 30.8 amp. These are pushing a pair of Audio Note AN-K's. I also have a Sonnet Morpheus DAC in the signal path when using my streamer and CD transport. I've had t... | |
Suggestions for contemporary Jazz CD's WBT certainly has my curiosity and will check it out. Was always a fan of the winter solstice stuff. Thanks for the response. |