Looking To Match A Tube Amp With A Pair Of Audio Note AN-K/Spe

I'm the original owner of a pair of K's which I've had for about 9 months. I really enjoy them and they're placed in a 30 x 12 room with a sofa bordering 10' of that 30. I listen about 10-12 feet away. Speakers toed in accordingly. Pushed by a Pass XA 30.8. Preamp is a Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme. I'm overall pretty pleased with this set up but am searching for greater punch and clarity in the midrange frequencies at lower volume levels. I'd like opinions on 2A3 or 300B SET's or EL 34 or 84 push pull as a means of addressing this. Thanks for input.  -Scott


If you had to choose between a push-pull EL 84 at say 20W or an SET 2A3 say at 8W to push the K's what would you prefer?

Not that much to go on, but the safer bet would probably be the EL84 amp.  My 6.5 watt Kageki (parallel 2a3 SET) amp is enough, for me, with my 99 db/w speakers, but, I don't play my music that loud and on some music, the amp does seem to loose a bit of steam (doesn't really distort, but it stops getting louder).  My speakers are considerably more efficient than the AN-K speaker.  The issue is whether you prefer the sound of the 2a3 when playing the vast majority of music, and if so, how much would you be willing to give up on the capability to play very loudly.  I prioritize good play at very low volume level myself, and the Kagekis deliver on that score.  For the record, I currently run a pushpull 349 amp that I actually prefer to the Kagekis in my current system; both are good, the 349 amp is a bit richer sounding and is a touch more dynamic.

Thanks again for the responses Larry. Based on what I'm looking for, your comments only reinforce the gameplan to go with a pair of Empress' when circumstances allow me to come into possession. Take Care,  -Scott

HATES anything Mundorf. I have not done any serious comparisons myself, but he has, and does not like them in either amps or speaker crossovers. He also hates Duelunds

please don’t take this opinion as gospel. I would suggest that the dealer is out of line with about 95% of the rest of audiophilia and may be pushing an agenda.

Duelunds are widely regarded as the best caps out there (no affiliation).

just one opinion as to where Mundorfs and Duelunds lie in the food chain:


I will just say, as I have the same dealer as Larry,  there is absolutely no agenda, Vu just likes what he likes. As far as caps go he's likely to use vintage caps as current AN caps. He's not telling anyone else not to used Mundorf or Duelund they're just not what he likes or recommends.