Looking To Match A Tube Amp With A Pair Of Audio Note AN-K/Spe

I'm the original owner of a pair of K's which I've had for about 9 months. I really enjoy them and they're placed in a 30 x 12 room with a sofa bordering 10' of that 30. I listen about 10-12 feet away. Speakers toed in accordingly. Pushed by a Pass XA 30.8. Preamp is a Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme. I'm overall pretty pleased with this set up but am searching for greater punch and clarity in the midrange frequencies at lower volume levels. I'd like opinions on 2A3 or 300B SET's or EL 34 or 84 push pull as a means of addressing this. Thanks for input.  -Scott

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A very good match wld be the oto signature. It's 10 watts only but has fantastic punch ( even on some other lower sensitive speakers). Also you cld try the Spe speaker cable , which will increase clarity in general and is the same wire as in your an-ks 

Thank you all for these helpful responses. The attack will be incremental. I've ordered AN Lexus speaker cable (my setup requires 3M runs), and a single 2M length of AN-Vx interconnect between transport and DAC. I use the transport quite a bit. We'll see how that goes for a while. Thinking I'm going to save my pennies for a pair of Empress SET's. -Scott

I agree with twolefears. Call VU as he VERY knowledgeable on tune amps and has some amazing gear - both new and vintage.