
Responses from schubert

Gone are the days of the great audition.
Not likely 16 manufactuers really want their babies in that much head to head battle, if you had to pay for the speakers you'd need an awful lot of auditions. 
Torn between two IC's... Please help...
Nearly everyone I've known, including me, thought the Ic's better than the SC's. 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Politics have a place everywhere. 
Nordost "sweet spot"
Thanks, fellas .Len 
Dynaco PAT4 mods
Lots of nice modded PAS 3's around, very few PAT 4 or 5 because they were a dog to start with, i had a Van Alstine modded PAT 5 and it was still a dog. 
Replacement for Maggie's?
Legacy Focus are it, as Sthomas says, but you need 3 men and a boy to handle them, which is why I never bought them. 
Any Alice Cooper fans?
Not in their right mind. 
Which songs or musical standards have haunted you?
"Stardust " 
Help with pricing on Electro Voice Sentry VI
And they could do the same with a symphony orchestra, Klipschorns for people with good musical taste,a GREAT speaker !!! 
What country still has music?
Oh yeah, the minute I heard Bacharach I went off Bach for a year. It is a matter of taste of course, good taste and bad taste. 
Gone are the days of the great audition.
Herr Schroeder,"ability to flex with changing conditions' translated from rightwing political sloganology., means bending over deeper when you job goes to China. 
What country still has music?
Hmm, something to tenacity perhaps, but there is ZERO dicernable talent involved in pop music. 
Audio Store in Twin Cities?
Thanks guys, a big help ! 
First favorite tune
Rdavwhitiker, you are blessed to have such a mother, God Bless. 
Sleeper Vintage Receivers, AMps, Tuners, TTs,etc..
Sanyo as above, Nikko as well.