
Responses from schubert

Anything better than 1.7 Maggies
My opinons are probaly colored by the fact I only listen to classical music, which I find better on quasis than true ribbons AND by the fact I never hung around anyone stupid enough to play anything at 120 SPL. 
What country still has music?
Rok, yes it was, even better in Weisbaden where I was.Some music appeals to the mind and soul, some to regions bit further down the torso. 
Torn between two IC's... Please help...
I tend to agree BUT I have heard Morrows in MANY systems and they are very clinican sounding period. Also 30 days is not long enough. 
Beethoven Symphonies - best perf + sonics on CD
Rok2id told it like it is. 
Anything better than 1.7 Maggies
Nobody seems to belive it, but get an amp that will put out a solid 450-500 watts a side into 4 ohms like a Brystonor one of the newer Van Alstines and MMG's will do just about all that Maggies do . 
What country still has music?
Stevecham, well and truly said.However , the fact remains that Mr.Townshend hath not 1/1000 the talent of J.S. Bach. 
What country still has music?
Mapman, since Mozart brings the peace of God, it is a given it won't arouse the hostility in your soul like Ac/Dc, one of Satans fav groups. 
Torn between two IC's... Please help...
Not to me, no bloom, for a lack of a better term, no music.I use Schubert because of ALL the great composers he wrote the warmest, most melodic-take your breath away melodies,your system would grow cold, cold days can be crystal clear but they are... 
Luxman PD121 is this a quality DD?
I had a PD 121 once, thought it was a real dog soundwise. 
RCA interconnects for tube amp setup under $100.
If the Lc-1 don't work out try Analysis Plus Oval 
Torn between two IC's... Please help...
I looked at your systen, SP-4 well be clearer but far less warm and far more "clinical". 
Linn LP12 vs. VPI Classic 1 and 3
Daveyf, I have no idea what version the Linn was, I had a Lp-12 once and all that tweak stuff made me ill, if a component needs all that I have no use for it.All I know is my buddy had about 4k in it and the traveller was at least as good. 
What country still has music?
Big E, in MANY places the local symphony is out, or about to go out- of biz. Around here, the St Paul CO, a world class ensemble ,is disbanding and the MN SO is close to it. 
Torn between two IC's... Please help...
You never know, change one thing in a setup and wires sound different. 
Linn LP12 vs. VPI Classic 1 and 3
I have a friend who got rid of a tricked out Linn in favour of a VPI Traveller, to me they sounded about the same.