
Responses from schubert

Top 10 Jazz recordings ever
I'm primarily a Clasical listener, of the 4k CD's and albums I own about 200 hundred are jazz, the rest classical.That said, If I had to cut down to 20 titles, one would be by Horace Silver(songs of my father) and one(any one) by Karrin Allyson 
Solid state amp around 2000-2500 used or new
You can't bear Class A, same advice my power company gave me. 
Great guys to deal with in the audio industry
Nicest guy I ever talked to in 40 years in audio is Louis at Omega speakers.Nicest gentleman in audio was David Hafler, RIP. 
Tannoy Westminister VS dc10 Instrument Grande V
AMEN , to the above. 
Solid state amp around 2000-2500 used or new
Sorry, my amp is a 450, there is no 550, my minds going. in any event its doing a great job right now letting me hear all all the lines and instruments in Brahms 3rd, something neither my Odyssety Khartago or Stratos could, sweet as they were. 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
Correction, my amp is a Synergy 450 there is no 550.In any event, doing a marvelous job right now in hearing all the instruments in Brahm's 3rd, not just the big clump my Oddesy Statos gave me, sweet as it was. 
Solid state amp around 2000-2500 used or new
big dif with snergy was hearing every line of each instrument in symphony or stingquartet which is most of what i listen to most, much more solid and tuneful base as well. 
Solid state amp around 2000-2500 used or new
My switch from a Odyssey to a AVA Synergy 550 was a big step up. 
can a new amp amp tame my speakers?
Try an AVA Synergy 450 or 550, a 550 did wonders for my Maggies over an Odyssey and you get 30 daysa to decide.Synergy's are a big step up from older AVA designs IMHO. 
Good sub $100 cartridge for Thorens TD 160
5x the price he mentioned is not a 'stretch". 
Need a recommendation on an interim power amp
Trends Ta-10 is THE way to go, Adcoms etc sound terrible.I run Rega 3's ,not a real efficent speaker, with a TA in my bedroom, sounds fine. 
Is audio a kind of spiritual journey?
Yes and no, if you listen to rock it is not, Jazz can be to a degree, a Bach Cantata or the Mass in B, nothing but. 
Thorens TD166 MK II Cartridge Recommendation
A Sumiko Pearl at at around $125 is a lovely match for the Thorens arm. 
Tannoy Westminister VS dc10 Instrument Grande V
Looks matter, Tannoy Westminsters are elegance itself. 
Mitsubishi Pre's and vintage tube amps
Not really, can get a decent EE minimax tube pre or Dynaco modded PAS-3 for few hundred more. Right now there a dozen pres on A-Gon under 500$ thaat are better, inc, a Hafler 100 for 160 shipped.