
Responses from schubert

Upgrade Rega Exact2 on built-in SUGDEN A21aiS2 Ph
At least for the acoustic music I listen to, I doubt if MP-200can be beat at that price point.And I've owned at least a hundred carts in the last 40 years. Definite upgrade from Exact . I doubt 300 is much better. 
What do you void listening?
That's irrelevant , the important thing is that I was there and I've always hadthe habit of paying attention.For that matter there are hundreds , if not thousands, of credible books that will tell you same thing.One think is fact certain , a high-... 
Fast forward 25 years, what will audio be like?
Zd542, we'll still be using dollars but the cost of a Yuan or a Euro will be a million of them.1.5 million will get you a loaf of bread, if you ask nicely of course. 
REVIEW: Essence®gZero Speaker & Interconnect Cable
How much are the speaker cables? 
What do you void listening?
Platoon is the most accurate one, by 1968 the US Army was in reality just an armed mob.By 1970 so was the USMC. 
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Caarivey there were plans for a R&R Hall of Shame but Feds would not give permission for only space large enough to hold one , the Grand Canyon . 
Pro-Ject turntables
Johnnyb53, very nice post, thanks for doing the work I'm too lazy to do. 
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Common sense is about as common as 6-legged, 3-horned Unicorns.I don't think I have EVER see anyone extolling its virtues who wasn't just praising their own ignorance . Of course, I've never met Mapman who no doubt is the exception that proves the... 
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Ghosthouse, what are you sorry about? A bit of disagreement is good for the soul. 
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Map, I had a hard time watching Gump, not a big fan of Hanks or satire either , if that's what it was ?To me it just said ignorance is more honored in the USA than anywhere else, sort of like that most American of sayings. "If you're so smart why ... 
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Czarivey, I'll take you at you word but you did say "I don't even care how they treat their own women and children" which is a bit callous. 
What do you void listening?
Of course you are right Al, I had just listened to Bjorling's great Butterfly with Victoria De Los Angles and had a brain freeze.The aria I should have said was "Nessun Dorma " .Anyone who thinks that Pavarotti was the last word on this needs to l... 
What do you void listening?
Czarivey, you make it increasing clear that you care at all about is your self.Brownsfan, As Augustine said, a Christian is under no obligation to argue with one who persists in "invincible ignorance" . 
What do you void listening?
Ghost, I guess you are correct , the dad as violinist part just got me going. Thanks for the serving part, but like not a few "nam" vets, I ain't proud of it and who we really served.Newbee, thanks, I have heard some of it on WI Public Radio, Shah... 
Silverline Sonatina IV
Yes, they are and will.