
Responses from schubert

What do you void listening?
Bach is best, skip the rest. 
What hooked you to audio?
J.S. Bach 
Conrad Johnson PV-7 phono stage any good?
If tubes say made in West Germany run them till they drop. 
Modern integrated vs. vintage...what do I get?
I don't know about the 2 speakers bit, but I just heard a new Yamaha A-S2000 integrated and was very impressed. 
most clear, crisp sound power amps, monoblocks ?
Lots of live stuff is not crisp.Rock Concerts are not live, they are electronic. 
Wire differences explained common sense
Amen Tbg, and we probally never will know enough. 
Pro-Ject turntables
As usual I agree with the Wolf, my rich buddy just bought a 10.1, haven't heard it yet but that is a baaad looking TT ! 
Subwoofer Newbie Looking for Recommendations
Secretguy, what Gallos are you using? 
Wire differences explained common sense
Tbg, AMEN to that.I'm pushing 80 and more to the point I've been paying attention.Don't think I have ever heard someone who went on about common-sense who wasn't really just praising his own ignorance.If it exists at all its about as rare as unico... 
Older man's voice that got me onto chills...
Amen to that, as good a male singer of "The American Songbook"as we are ever liable to hear.A true disgrace and evidence of the very low level of American taste that he is virtually forgotten. 
the magic of power cords
Try caps in your tuner will make one PC on your pre sound different than other and so your entire system .To know all the variables would take a NASA flight to Jupiter scale effort.And probally still fail. 
the magic of power cords
Yes Beewax, I think we all agree its not magic.Problem is the variables are so many with so many unknowns, that short of a general field theory and a Cray in every house, cut and paste is the only course. 
the magic of power cords
Yes Mt, I have several MAC HC's as well as the MAC source ones.What I like about MAC is that it seems to sound at least good, if not great, on about anything.My new to-go to is the Cullen Crossovers at about $200 bucks.Very "blackgound" for any ca... 
Debating between Hybrid and Tube Integrated Amp
I hate to be such a PITA , but as a retired teacher I'll guarantee you 2 things.1. EVERY parent thinks "Oh, not MY kids" .2. The Child ALWAYS knows the parent better than you know them. 
Debating between Hybrid and Tube Integrated Amp
Only takes one mistake to die.