
Responses from schubert

Your favorite musical non fatiguing speakers?
Tip, Listen to the human voice talking,not singing, on a speaker. On a good one the human voice will not have the hard edge we are so used to on speakers. It will sound soft, almost muted which is how it sounds in real life.Then listen to a SOLO v... 
Debating between Hybrid and Tube Integrated Amp
One thing is FOR SURE, no tube amps around kids, its when not if they will be burned or worse.Personally, I would not touch an amp that has some un-common tube hard wired in which I believe is the case with the Vincent. 
the magic of power cords
My closet looks like a cable factory, several hundred IC's ,SC's and power cables. I've tried most of the usual suspects in mid-price ranges and haven't thrown away or sold one in 30 years, though I have gifted some.I see now I need to try AirSine... 
Subwoofer Question s
Thanks Rhanson739, you think am i correct in guessing they are the only such items on the market?As I recall I saw a 2q in a Minneapolis dealers setup, aren't they on the humongous side? 
What's the best EL34 amp besides 8b?
Van Alstine Ultravalve . IMO at least equal to 8B . 
Your favorite musical non fatiguing speakers?
Silverline and Totem are 2 brands you can listen to 24/7.B&W , to my ears, are torture machines. 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
By looking at my checkbook. 
Rega Apollo: buy a DAC or buy a new/newer CDP?
Sunny,all I was trying to say was the Oppo + Peachtree sounded better than the Sony 5400ES to me.I have two Peachtrees, neither of which have given me any trouble, one is the idac which I use on my TV System, really an audio system as I seldom wat... 
Need help determining next upgrade - 3rd ATTEMPT
Is there no way you can listen to them in a bigger room, perhaps at a friends house? 
Need help determining next upgrade - 3rd ATTEMPT
Wolf-Garcia, as usual, has told you like it is .I've been listening to speakers for fifty + years, 98.9 % of the time a smeared or "washed" out sound on massed strings in a symphony is traceable to a cheap crossover .Cheapest brands I know about t... 
Rega RP8 cartridge?
If it being only around $500 doesn't bother you, the Nagoka MP-500 is superb on acoustic music,from rock I can't comment. 
Rega Apollo: buy a DAC or buy a new/newer CDP?
Had same problem, solution was a old Oppo DV-970HD with a Peachtree DAC.I thought it sounded better than my buddies 5400 ES I borrowed for comparison, so did he for that matter. 
Need help determining next upgrade - 3rd ATTEMPT
"Smeared" is usually the fault of speakers in Classical Music. 
Glaring Omissions
Try Bach or Brahms and see how TERRIBLY limited you really have been. 
First turntable advice
Don't buy used, you already said you know nothing about turntables, buy a new one with cartridge already installed.A new $299 TT with cart correctly installed will sound better than the best one in the world without the cartridge correctly install...