
Responses from schubert

Budget $3000-3500 new or used
Rhljazzm they my be an "entertaining match" but having owned 4 pairs in last 30 years i guarantee you it takes at least 400 ss watts at four ohms to sound as good as they can.And 400 is a bare minimum . 
Monitors that compete with quality floorstanders??
Sunnyjim, IMO you have just made one of THE best posts ever on A'gon !Those who were not around in the days of the Dynaco A-25 etc,have no idea what a sucker trap audio has become. 
Budget $3000-3500 new or used
Silverlines are great on strings, far better than Maggies.If you like the Minuets it just gets better up the line. 
What are your TWO favorite Symphonic Recordings?
FWIW, I recently had the very great pleasure of hearing a young Norwegian lady trumpet player, Tina Thing Helseth play the Haydn Concerto with the Madison SO.I could NOT believe how great she was, I truly could not hear a trumpet , it was as if a ... 
What are your TWO favorite Symphonic Recordings?
Brownsfan, these days sound is really secondary to the performance for me, will guess you can just get lost in the music as well.In my exp.most 'philes are addicted to hard-edged "hi-fi" sound like Chesky and dislike natural sound like on the old ... 
What are your TWO favorite Symphonic Recordings?
I have and love the Battle/ Levine. last decade or so if Levine is conducting or playing I just buy it .My fave is the Barbara Bonney with clarinetist Sharon Kam on Warner, who I never heard before,or since, but who to my ears has a lovely liquid ... 
What are your TWO favorite Symphonic Recordings?
Frogman. I just recalled that Schubert's last song , "Der Hirt auf dem Felsen' (D965) has a lovely written Clarinet obbligato . 
Is it possible for a record to be too loud?
I believe companies set their tracking forces too low for fear of scaring away customers.I always start at or very near the top recomended force and often find best sound is .5 gram above that. 
Fast forward 25 years, what will audio be like?
Ohhwy61, you have a grasp of "facts" and no understanding of history . 
Fast forward 25 years, what will audio be like?
Later scenario played out in Germany TWICE during a single decade after WWII and still Hitler got only 28% of the vote inBerlin before he was selected, NOT elected , in 1933.At the time, and this NO joke, strawpolls in Milwaukee showed he could ge... 
What are your TWO favorite Symphonic Recordings?
I'll try a Newton, know nothing about it.Though I'm sure I could never hear anything but the overwhelmingly beautiful voice of Kathleen Ferrier in the Rhapsody, so deeply is it embedded .Yesterday I listened to the Levine/Chicago SO Brahms 4th , 4... 
Fast forward 25 years, what will audio be like?
OK guys if you insist, an easy example . Every serious thinker in Europe, to include some of the highest pols in France, knew laying the sole blame, and cost, on Germany for WWI would make its continuation, aka WW II, inevitable and said so loud a... 
What are your TWO favorite Symphonic Recordings?
Thats what I remember from a talk I heard him give once on NPR.FWIT, I knew two young ladies in Berlin, one a clarinetist , the other an oboist , both grads of the Berlin Music Hochschule ( a cross between Julliard and Indiana), they played Schube... 
Fast forward 25 years, what will audio be like?
Macrojack, for the bottom third of the population you're describing their reality in 2014. 
What are your TWO favorite Symphonic Recordings?
Brownfan, I think there is a Beecham 3 and 5 on EMIs "Great Recordings of the Century". which is as good if not better, cheap and readily available om Amazon.