Responses from sc53
help focal 726v to 836v? Curious as to why you are not considering the new Aria line? I listened to 3 models in that line about 2 weeks ago and was very impressed. But I haven't heard the Chorus models you are referencing. | |
Which REL subs for ProAc One SCs? I had these speakers in an open living room/dining room/hallway like yours, and the REL Storm III I had worked superbly. Like REL recommends, I had the crossover way down and I never had the gain up past 12 o'clock. This setup worked perfectly for... | |
Budget $3000-3500 new or used I have a local dealer with Maggies. Perhaps I will give them an audition, haven't listened to them since the Tympani IV in the 80's (which I loved). I wonder how they would fare on my BAT mono blocks, possibly not enough power. Right now I am maki... | |
Budget $3000-3500 new or used The repair is too expensive. If I were an engineer, I would jury-rig something with an outboard amp for the woofers. My brother may give that a try. In the meantime I hope to find something I can live with--for less $$! Probably an impossible dream. | |
Suggestions for speakers for my setup The Vandersteen Quattro Wood CT's I heard at at a local shop recently had the most deep controlled punchy bass and kick I have experienced in recent years. $13,000 with required outboard crossover. I would snatch them if I had the funds. | |
End of an era: Genesis 500 servo amp died RhlJazz--I know, I should just get them repaired! Then I would have basically new updated speakers in the old cabinets, good for another 15-20 years or more. Since the system worked beautifully for so long, I know you are right. Twilo, as to what ... | |
Best Integrated amp for ProAc Tablette Annivesary As I recommended on your other thread--find yourself an Audio Research CA-50 and you will find heaven. | |
Best Integrated amp for my ProAc I'm surprised no one has mentioned Audio Research--a match made in heaven with ProAcs. I have an old CA-50 ARC integrated with my ProAc D15's, used to run it with my SC-1's, sounds fantastic. | |
Mytek Vs Wyred4Sound DACs I'm also considering a new DSD DAC in that price range and am looking at North Star Design Impulso and Excelsio. I have had a North Star USB DAC for a couple of years and love it. It just doesn't do DSD and I have some files from Blue Coast Music ... | |
Replacement for Squeezebox Touch? I don't think you need to give up on the Touch just yet. I have 7 Squeezeboxen around my house and everything is working just fine. Of course, if Logitech Media Server is ever discontinued, we are done, but that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. By... | |
Higher End USB Cables I only have limited experience with USB cables for computer audio but here it is: I first tried an Audioquest Cinnamon USB cable but was surprised and alarmed at all the drop-outs I was getting connecting my MacBook Pro to my Northstar USB 32 DAC,... | |
Looking for hi value CD/SACD player... I bought a used Marantz SA-11S2 for about $1500 last year. Sounds absolutely gorgeous on both CD and SACD. | |
The New PS Audio PWD MKII Got my bridge and eLyric working today thanks to arrival (overnight shipping from Amazon) of a new wireless Ethernet bridge. I followed PS Audio knowledge base recommendation and bought a Linksys (Cisco) WES610N 4-port bridge. I was trying to use ... | |
The New PS Audio PWD MKII Thanks Tonyp for the suggestion--I will see if I can enter the Bridge settings manually. At one point I was at that screen and there were no numbers on it--because i was not connected to my network. Stickman I don't know if I will be able to tell ... | |
Life of a PS Audio PowerPlant?? I had an older P300 that had no issues other than the blue logo light burning out. I did overload it a couple of times (accidentally) by plugging a TV into it (plasma was way too big a load for it) but I was able to reset the unit and it was not d... |