
Responses from saki70

Mini Monitors - Dynaudio and JM Labs
ALDOG & Nolitan ; The comment about another veil being lifted is exactly what I felt when I heard the Micro's ! It was as if all of the other box speakers had something covering the tweeter . The closest to a stat/panel sound that I have found... 
Mini Monitors - Dynaudio and JM Labs
What timing here !I just listened to the Micro Be's and came away quite impressed with tweeter . I had originally gone to audition some Mac stuff and changed my upgrade path !I did not think that they needed a sub . I even turned up the base , on ... 
Cayin A88T break in and biasing??
I have noticed that , with My Cayin 88T , It took a while to get into the swing of things .Even after turning it on to warm-up , for 30 - 60 minutes , it would sound 'off' until it had actually played for another 30-60 minutes .Because this is my ... 
What do I need for my sound system
I would suggest a tubed integrated amp , preferably auto/self biasing . I have had JM Lab speakers and they can be a little bright with low to midfi SS equipment .There is a Prima Luna Prologue 2 listed here for $850 .A very nice piece for the mon... 
Speaker choice? need advice.
If the back of the speaker must be close to the wall , look at speakers that do NOT have a rear port . 
Martin Logan's - work in a small room nearfield ?
Ok it is 2 to 1 against . If no , is there an alternative that will produce the same type of sound ? 
Small monitors good at low listening levels?
With the same goals in a small room at nearfield I really like my Reference 3a Di Capo i's . They are , however , best with tubes . A very nice speaker . 
Speaker disappearing act?
I had some very well regarded speakers with mid-fi equipment . The speakers did indeed disappear . The soundstage was the best that I have heard . Every musician had their own place and space , they were all over my back and side walls . If the so... 
Second round of auditions under my belt
Seadweller ; just so you don't doubt what you heard , I auditioned the VS4jr , Gallo 3.1 and the Ushers (6381 and a standmount) through at least 2 different systems each . I , and my wife , came to the same conclusions on these speakers as you did... 
Speaker stand design - Is this a good idea?
I think that some here will advise using a clay like substance call Blue-Tack . It goes between the speaker bottom and the stand top surface to more securly mount the speaker to the stand . It provides a slip free mount as well as a solid connecti... 
What comes after an Audio Aero Prima integrated ?
My bust ; the P/C reference above was for the Prima CDP . NOT the Prima integrated amp ! Apoligies to all whom I have led astray with my souring grey matter !I can understand the shipping thing for your location . Butkeep in mind that if you buy s... 
What comes after an Audio Aero Prima integrated ?
Yes , it is a very nice integrated amp . I really enjoyed my time with it . It's just that stupid upgraditis bug !LOLAs for speakers : I never tried any monitors with it but the Soliloquy 6.2i's that I did use were quite nice with it . I used thes... 
SMALL, but efficient speaker
While I love the De Capo i's , I own them , your request for " flea or battery powered amps " may not mate well with them . The De Capo's do require a minimum of 5 watts .I have heard them with a 3 watt SET , they were not at their best ! YMMV . 
mm dicapo speakers amps tube or solid
HAPPYM ; I can only speak from my experience here . I have heard my De Capo I's with a Cayin KT88 , Cary Sli80 and Prima Luna Prologue 2 which are all integrated amps . The Cayin and Cary were what I would (in my limited experience) call the typic... 
mm dicapo speakers amps tube or solid
As it has been stated in your other thread , the De Capo's are very tube friendly !