
Responses from saki70

dedicated electrical line
Both . It is called an 'isolated ground'.Quite often found on sensitive equipment in hospitals and computer rooms .WARNING , not every electrician knows how to install an isolated ground correctly !While dedicated lines and isolated grounds will g... 
matching components to speakers
Speakers are designed and built with certain characteristics in mind . Finding an amp that is designed to work within those characteristics is what you want to do . It is called synergy . There are many threads here discussing synergy .Speaker man... 
Setting up speakers 45 degrees from sidewalls
I don't know if this is relevant or not , but I have mine setup that way and do not get much soundstage depth or width .I am in a small square room , 12'X12' with 8' ceilings . I did this so as to not get any of the nasties associated with square ... 
Benchmark to amp direct question?
I wonder if the output impedance of the balanced outs suits your amp better than the impedance of the rca outs ?Might be worth thinking about , for others , rather than accepting a blanket conclusion that one connection type sounds better than ano... 
Benchmark to amp direct question?
Skipping a preamp is just like adding one . What I mean here is synergy . Just as preamps need to be matched to an amp , output impedence to input impedence , so does your DAC's output impedence need to match your amp's required input impedence ra... 
Ayre V-1Xe vs VTL 450
WARNING Kmiller5 WARNING , you are being seduced to the tube side !!!Resistance is futile !!! You will be converted !Once you submit , you may never return !Go with the glow .Enjoy the ride . 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
"I wish that I could eat your cancer " 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
"the sign said HELP WANTED - NO LONG HAIRS NEED APPLY . So I tucked my hair up under my hat and went in to ask him why .He said you look like a fine upstanding young man , I think you'll do !So I took off my hat and said imagine that , me working ... 
Denon 3805, muddy voices.
I had the same experience as Javachip .I considered it just a part of the setup procedure !Auto setups , for me , are just a starting point .YMMV . 
Anyone heard the Consonance Cyber 800 amps?
Trelja ;"it's quite convenient in that there is nothing to adjust."Do you mean that there are no bias adjustments for this amp ? I am not familiar with 'a cathode bias configuration.'Sounds interesting .Thank you . 
Dedicated Home Theater/Listening Room Suggestions
If you are going to the trouble of running dedicated circuits , make sure that you additionally connect them towhat is called an isolated ground . This will segregate the power from the rest of your house and eliminate any noise from other items i... 
Best Speakers for 2channel Music
Using a receiver may require you to look at easy to drive speakers . Receivers generally do not have much power . Their stated wattage listings are dubious at best . Try to find something in the 90db. range .I had some nice 88db. speakers on a rec... 
Looking for a first Tube Amp for under $1000
I will second Grinnell's recommendation of the Primaluna integrateds . These amps are very user friendly with the auto biasing feature . They will allow you to try many different tubes and , should you decide against tubes , will be very easy to r... 
3a l'integral nouveau Vs. Verity parisfal encore
I think that maybe some of the disparity here about the 3a's could be the amplification .When I was auditioning my De Capo i's they took on a remarkably different sound with a SS amp as opposed to a tube amp . They really did perform much better w... 
new to tubes
My bust , sorry for the incorrect info .Facten ; welcome to the tube side ! Enjoy .