
Responses from saki70

Sharing tube experiences with Cayin TA30/PrimaLuna
Etanh ; Very nice descriptions .I just switched (today)from a Cayin A-88T to a Prologue 2 . I was wondering if these descriptions would actually apply to the Prologue . From what I have been told , the Prologue uses different parts and assembly pr... 
Cayin A - 88 T , sounds great but ...
Lowfidelity and all ; Thank you very much for your contributions . I have decided to go with the Prologue 2 and it should arrive tomorrow . 
Sound Quality or Convenience?
Tvad ;I answered this yesterday but it didn't show up . Here goes again .I started a thread asking for recommendations on a tubed integrated amp to replace my well liked Cayin A-88T . I was looking for an integrated that was self/auto biasing and ... 
Sound Quality or Convenience?
I am looking for a new integrated amp . Not because I don't like the one that I have , it is actually quite good , but because it is more work to maintain than I want to get involved in . Now , if I could get the Prima Luna dealer to answer my ema... 
Reference 3A Decapo "i" sounds shrilly
Robert ; How do the Sason's compare with the 'stock' De Capo i's ? How are they at low listening levels ?Thanks . 
Low watt tube amps/pros/cons
I just posted a thread in the amp section about 845's. I won't go into here but what I have found , from research , is that the 845 seems to combine the plus's of the 300b tube with those of the KT 88 tube ! Does this sound correct ? 
Reference 3A Decapo "i" sounds shrilly
I have the "i" version of these speakers with a Cayin A88-T integrated . They definetly are not bright !I am using Z Squared au/au Top I/c's on a Granite 657 CDP .I lost a little bit of sparkle on the top end as compared to my Soliloquy's , when I... 
Best $200 speaker cables for overall performance?
Sounds great , thank you . 
Cayin A - 88 T , sounds great but ...
Thanks Newbee , guess I got confused about the EL tubes . That is great about the performance at low levels !Looks like a tough decision between the Almarro and the Prima Luna ! On the one hand the Almarro may have a better sound and , I think , t... 
Cayin A - 88 T , sounds great but ...
Newbee ; Thanks for the tube comparing on the PL's . I assume that your refernce to the PL5 would also apply to the PL2 . I was not aware that the PL2 would take the EL34's also , how about EL84's ?I chose the De Capo's and the Cayin for their low... 
Best $200 speaker cables for overall performance?
Can anyone comment on the 'Zoble' or impedance compensation network ? I am using speakers that do not have a crossover network and have been advised , by the manufacturer , not to use any filtering type cables as they would 'color' the signal . Th... 
Looking to Upgrade and enter Hi-Fi world
Fernandoea ; I started out as you are now . I had an Onkyo receiver with the Electra 906's . When I went to a 'midfi' 5 channel amp and pre/pro the result was as if I had taken a blanket off of my speakers ! The 'real' watts of a seperate amp or i... 
Cayin A - 88 T , sounds great but ...
Listenhere ; Self or auto biasing is as the term implies . The amp contains a circuit that will bias the power tubes on its own , no user intervention required . The speakers , that I listed above , are quite nice and they are not fully broken in ... 
Cayin A - 88 T , sounds great but ...
Oops , sorry to have mispelled your name Tpsonic ! 
Cayin A - 88 T , sounds great but ...
Tipsonic , the Almarro looks to be quite nice . Do you have any experience with it ? Can you compare it to the Prologue II or other KT-88 based amps ?Anyone else ?