
Responses from saki70

new to tubes
Facten ; are you sure that it says EL34 and not EL84 ? The 84's are usually transferable with 6550's and KT 88's .What model is the amplifier in question ? 
What are your thoughts on hybrid amplifiers?
I suppose it depends on the choice but I have heard the same speakers with an all SS setup , tubed pre and SS amp , a hybrid int. and an all tube integrated . Mine and my wifes listening pleasure increased with the increase in tubes . It turned ou... 
Looking to upgrade
Advice from someone who has been there... upgrade your amplification . It will give you the biggest bang for the buck and a noticable improvement . Buy used and get seperates . Receivers just don't have the power to get the most out of decent spea... 
Tube amps & warm speakers?
I don't recall the Dyn's as being a warm speaker .But anyway , some of today's new designs for tube amps are really not "warm" as the older designs have been . Some of the newer designs are closer to good SS than traditional tubes . And tubes can ... 
Speakers to hang on the wall
Magneplanar (MMG ?) with the optional wall bracket ! They fold away when not in use . Pretty WAF friendly , especially with a decorative sock ! 
Best Tube CDP for $2000 Budget
I second the Granite 657 , better PRaT and detail than the Prima . But , tough to find used !Be aware , some the MKII Prima's have problematic transports .I have owned both . 
Best stand mounted monitors
Kevinzoe ; It has been over 3 years now , have you made a decision ? How did it work out for you ? 
How do I clean a sticky speaker
Still looking ?You may want to try a good automotive cleaner wax . I have had quite good luck with Rain Dance . It will remove tree sap , road tar and paint mist very easily . Make sure that you get one that is meant for use on lacquer paints ! 
DAC and CD Transport Question
Excuse me for interupting but...This is along the same line and has been hinted at .I understand synergy and was wondering if it applies to transports and DAC's . In other words , does my choice of a dedicated transport dictate what DAC's to consi... 
Floor standers or Monitors?
Blindjim ; Have you heard the Reference 3a Di capo i's ?You can compare them to your past VS speakers and also to the Gallo's . All at the same time , place and with the same equipment ! The Di Capo i's will meet most of your requirements except .... 
Aliante pf-one VS Reference 3a MM deCapo i
Need more info on the supporting components .I have the De Capo's and love them , with tubes !Auditioned them with a Cary SS with tubed buffer and CJ pre , didn't like them at all . They took on a whole different character with a Cary SLi-80 and C... 
Best Pre-Amp/Amp for Focal JMLab electra 920
Price is not necessarily indicative of sound quality or , more importantly , synergy . You would do better to just state a dollar amount as some here may not know what your speakers originally sold for years ago .Some of today's newer tube amp des... 
Ultralinear and Triode. What's the difference
Upscaleaudio ; I fail to see where I stated that you made a negative statement about Cayin's parts ! Perhaps you misunderstood my comment . What I stated was what you told me and what you stated in your reply !"Cayin and Spark's design are done to... 
Tube CD player?
I have to speak more about the Granite 657 vs the AA Prima . I have had both and think that the Granite is a clear step above the Prima . The Granite has much better PRaT than the Prima which I found to be a bit slow . I have also found the Granit... 
Two amps, one pure class A, other A/B
Sashav I apologize for hijacking your thread .Can anyone describe the difference , in sound , between class A and class B ?Thank you .