
Responses from saki70

Tube Amp recommendation
Dissing the Primaluna , for the reason that you have listed , is doing yourself an injustice ! Try reading about it here on the 'gon . Good luck . 
New Processors passing HD Sound?
Great info , I am learning !Given that there appears to be a new Betamax/VHS war ie. Bluray/HD-DVD , does one or more of these new HD audios get associated with a particular video type or are they universal ?How many of the newer DVD's out today a... 
New Processors passing HD Sound?
Ok .Thank you very much Kr4 . 
New Processors passing HD Sound?
Can no one describe how these HD audio's differ from non HD audio ?Is it just pulling the same ole thing from a new type of decoding system ? 
New Processors passing HD Sound?
Can someone please explain HD sound ?Thank you. 
Video Scaling Processor/HD-DVD or BluRay
Slitty , forgive me for hijacking your thread .I too am interested in this aspect of HT . I am setting up a new system for HT use only , all low end bigbox stuff .My old system used the DVD player for all video work and I had it direct to the TV .... 
sound quality from CD to CD
I have many CD's that have a quality variance from song to song as well . Cd's , especially classic rock , are not very well done . That's just the way that it is .I have found that tubed components will help with this issue , the more the better ... 
Moving away from tubes. Is this a good idea?
As mentioned above , try tubes they are better in my opinion !If you don't want the hassle , just get a self/auto biasingintegrated . The Primaluna would be a nice place to start .Be careful with the Cayin . I had one that was purported to be auto... 
Room size for Cornwalls?
You also might try putting your speakers diagonally out of a corner toward your listening position that is in the opposite corner . Another term would be kitty corner . This tends to give your square room a bit better characteristics as opposed to... 
Tube amp for rock? Newb Questions
There is no one best place . It is often just a crap shoot ! I am refering to all types of music here .I have some "remastered" CD's that are just as bad , or worse , than the originals ! And I have some that are actually better . You just have to... 
Best Monitors for Rock N' Roll under $2500
Let me be the contradictor here . As the owner of the De Capo i's , I think that they are indeed very nice speakers ! But they were designed , and in my opinion sound their best , with tube amplification . I also don't think that you will enjoy th... 
PrimaLuna and AE Six Pacs
While the Primaluna and Cayin stuff is indeed manufactured in the same facility , that is about as close to each other as they get .I have owned both pieces and they do NOT sound alike !I have heard the Cayin A-88T and the Cary Sli-80 side by side... 
dedicated electrical line
When I read up on power conditioners , I found that they impart their signature or had a sound . Just the same as anything else in the system chain .I am assuming that you do have some interference problems , or noise , coming from your speakers .... 
Low volume music
I am enjoying my Primaluna Prologue 2 with Reference 3a De Capo i speakers . This set up is in a small room but the same principles apply for any size room , just gage your speaker size and amp power accordingly .You want to look for highly resolv... 
dedicated electrical line
I read that grounding rods are supposed to be at least 6ft. apart .