
Responses from saki70

Seeking advice on tube amps
First... lots of great advice here that is backed up with meaningful reasoning and experiences .But , my experience has shown me that the amp can affect how a particular speaker will sound especially if it is a neutral and revealing speaker .Case ... 
What can you tell me ?
Jack;Not capping on you , sorry . Just commenting on the times !Happy Tunes . 
Does anyone or does everyone pay retail price?
I have paid retail but ... I have always received something in return ! Discounts can be hard to come by in some situations but incentives can be had in the form of on hand/in stock merchandise . I have received interconnects , speaker cables , sp... 
What can you tell me ?
Raquel;I think thet knowladible prrof reader are the first to go in that econimy ! It hass been notising th same thing with my loco newpaper in almost a daile basiz . 
Good $2k Used Speakers for 20wpc tube amp
Take a look at Reference 3a products .I have the Di Capo i's . They are tube friendly at 92db.eff. with 8 ohms impedence and a nominal impedence of 6 ohms . They are a two way design with only a capacitor for a crossover network and very good exte... 
Do you leave CD players with tube outputs on?
I am not sure of the technical aspects but I turn mine off when not in use . It only takes about one CD's worth of play to bring it in to its own and sound good .Living in the lightening capitol of the world makes it dangerous to leave these thing... 
HELP me choose an AV reciever or processor please
Nsxxtreme ;How many HDMI inputs do you need ? 
Positioning Components in Rack For Best Sound
Take the stuff off of the tube preamp !Put the power center on the floor and move the digital stuff in its place .Try to get as much airspace as possible between components when stacking them .Good luck . 
The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices?
If they can't or won't lower prices then it is imperitive to take other action . This can take the form of a no charge extended warranty , free shipping , free cables , discount on another item , delivery and setup something to show that they valu... 
Weird Speaker Placement Configurations
Rcrerar ;So if you move the speakers off to one side do you then move your listening position to compliment it ?In other words , if you shift the speakers to the right of diagonaly true would you then move your listeing position to the left an equ... 
Speaker Choice under $750 for blues...
Try to find something with a bigger woofer , 10 - 12 inches , depending on the size of your room . With only 70w you will also need a high impedance and db rating so as to be able to move the woofer . The higher impedance should also help with the... 
Weird Speaker Placement Configurations
I too have my setup on the diagonal . It is exactly on a diagonal in relation to the corners , the speakers and listening chair . I also have the same problem as Mcondo ie. all of my soundstage is between and behind the speakers and at the same he... 
Transient Attack and Amp Design
Shadorne ;You stated ...Speakers with dips of quite low impedance will be the cause of most observed problems (rather than the amp).Can you supply a definition/value of this impedance dip ?Thank you . 
Best speakers small room off center
Dwhitt;Have you any experience with the Peachtree line of speakers ? This is from their speaker home page ..."The small print: When a speaker with “real” bass response is designed in such a small box, it requires more power than a typical speaker ... 
Amp for Soliloquy 5.3i floor standing speaker?
I could be wrong , the story that I heard was that Mr. Had wanted a speaker designed to work with his equipment . He later tired of the speaker buisness and sold that part of his empire . The new owner ran it for a number of years then sold it to ...