
Responses from saki70

Speakers for bad rock recordings
Yes , you do not want to leave a tubed device on all of the time . It will wear out the tubes prematurally .Why do you 'tend' to do that ? Memory ?Another alternative would be to try some non-tubed DAC's . You might find one that would allow you t... 
Speaker advise for a new Tube Amp.
How about a different amp purchase ?That small 10 watt amp is really limiting your choices and resulting listening pleasure .Good luck . 
Speakers for bad rock recordings
In addition to Jaybo's response , I would echo the tube suggestion , as many as you can do ie. amp , preamp and CDP .A second addition would be a speaker change to something with a soft dome tweeter and a big bass driver . Also , two 7in. drivers ... 
Most beneficial change .
Tholt;Don't get me wrong , I am not really trying to improve on those attributes , per say . I have them now , probably could be better , but I'm happy with what I have .What I was refering to above , wanting an increase in extension , was about w... 
Most beneficial change .
Dpac996;I hear you on padding the walls !!!Happy Tunes . 
Most beneficial change .
Tholt;I have tried to build a system that will sound good at lower volumes . Most of my listening is done at speaking volume or a little higher . Remeber that I am sitting 6ft. from the speaker face . My speakers are 91db. at 8 ohms and 6 ohms nom... 
Most beneficial change .
No , but I'll give it a shot . 
Most beneficial change .
Cerrot ;I sit 6ft. from the speaker face and the speakers are 6ft. apart . The distance from the wall behind them is angled but @2ft. One would have the rear port firing at the angled wall and the other fires into a closet containing my equipment ... 
Most beneficial change .
Hi Jim ;I tried EH's on the recommendation from Upscale Audio for the most dynamic EL-34 tube .Once I get used to them I will then try some JJ's . I have been told that they may be better . Any thoughts ?Thank you . 
Most beneficial change .
Wanted to give an update here.I took the advise of tube suggestions . I had forgotten that this was one of reasons for the Primaluna choice !I have tried some EL34's . Very nice , I see what you meant Trelja . They do make the mids more pronounced... 
Tube Nube questions
Just wanted to chime in here .Anybody who does not think that there is a break in process , with tubes , is wrong !I plugged these new tubes in and listened immediatly , it sounded thin , vailed and lifeless . Pretty much the same at 1 hour and 4 ... 
Zu Essence vs Devore Nine vs Maggies
Bmckenney;"Get the best speaker for your room constraints, not the speaker you like best".Now there is some good advice !Happy tunes. 
Tube Nube questions
Newbee;I have it , thank you so much .Did you find a need for a bias adjustment with tubes other than the 6L6's ? 
Tube Nube questions
Ok thanks .Just to make sure that I have it right . You are saying that putting cold tubes into a 'warmed up' amp will still take the same amount of time to come to full sound as when the amp and tubes are both cold ?By the way , where does Kevin ... 
Opinions on Full-Range/single driver speakers
Listiac ;What cabinets were housing the Fostex 200 & 206e drivers ?Thanks .