
Responses from saki70

A good fit for my PrimaLuna Prologue Two?
I like Reference 3a's on my PL2 .Good luck . 
Quick question about PrimaLuna Prologue Two
I too have the PL2 and rolled the input tubes per Upscales reccomendation . I like it much better .While I did not have a problem with the highs , the new input tubes did bring out the bass and warm up the mids .I did not notice any effect to the ... 
whats the best addition u have bought for system
Switching from solid state to tubes . That made the music come alive !Flyin2jz; ditch the receiver and get an integrated amplifier . An integrated amp is a receiver minus the radio and usually of higher quality , especially in the power supply (qu... 
speaker recommendations for a 12 x 12 room?
My room is the same size as yours .Along the same lines as Duke stated I have my positioning setup as Pryso suggests , the listening position is diagonally opposite from the speaker position . Sort of kitty corner or opposing corners . My ears are... 
Lack in harmonic richness
I felt as you do . Then I heard tubes . Tubes are much better . I seem to like some warmth or coloration !While I don't have any experience with SET's , I think that you could find what you are looking for with a P/P tube amp and some resolving an... 
Atma-Sphere S-30 MK3
"The S-30 is a special case in that it makes more power at higher impedances, this causes some modern speaker crossovers to not work in the way that the speaker designer intended if they are used to Voltage Paradigm rules!" The 'Voltage Paradigm' ... 
The space between the speakers
Can you pull the speakers out into the room a bit when in use ? Good luck . 
why the distorted sound?
"when I re-biased after the move."Hmmm ! 
Avr set up question
If you are not doing HD audio , run the cable directly to your TV . HD audio is really the only reason for running a HDMI signal through your AVR from a DVD player . Well that and the ease of using less cables .Good luck . 
My soundstage is terrible. i need help bad.
I have owned a NAD 541 , it can do some amazing things with the soundstage , if it is in the recording ! It is the only CDP , that I have owned , that could give me a soundstage behind my listening position ! It was also able to put the musicians ... 
My soundstage is terrible. i need help bad.
Speaker positioning is important . You did not state where they are located in relation to the walls etc.Try setting them up 5 or 6 feet out into the room away from the wall that is behind them . Also get them a few feet away from the side walls .... 
tube integrated amp recommendations?
I have to echo Grinnell on the PL 2 , it really is a good piece !I have owned a Cayin 88T . It is nice but the PL will give you a better defined presentation due to more detail and top end extension . It will also give you a better low level sound... 
Tubes vs. SS
I have to agree with Mechans ! I have auditioned different combinations of SS and tubed equipment . If you want to know what tubes sound like you have to do the amp AND the pre ! I have and do suggest that if one wants to experiment , just get a d... 
Cayin A-88T vs Cary SLI-80 Signature
It has been a couple of years but the SLi-80 seemed to be a little more extended and clearer with a touch more detail . This comparing was done on a couple of different VS speakers which I find a little too warm for my taste .I ended up with the C... 
Current Faves that "Swing"?
I don't pretend to have the knowledge of the above posters and speak mostly from experience .Given that , I acquired an AA Prima CDP that replaced a NAD top of the line model . Right off I noticed a difference in PRaT on music that I have been fam...