
Responses from saki70

Integrated tube amp for Coincident Super Eclipse
I don't know your speakers , yet . But I wonder how my Primaluna Prologue 2 would sound . It will take a myriad of input and output tubes and is self/auto biasing which makes tube rolling a breeze . It may not be an end all/be all solution but it ... 
Upgrading wall outlets
A few other things that can have an affect ; microwave ovens , HVAC units , some remote controls , flourecent lights and small appliances .Good luck. 
Upgrading wall outlets
Hifiman5; Your experience , with the dryer , is the reason that we should also install an isolated ground to those dedicated lines !Doing so removes any affects from the household electrical system . Good luck . 
Upgrading wall outlets
You are not improving the quality of the electricity coming out of the wall . You are improving the connection to it .Happy tunes . 
Help with amp upgrade
Your speakers are rated at 95db. at 1 m./1 w. , a fairly flat 10 ohms of impedence and a rather benign crossover. I would think that 16 watts/channel would be enough to drive them effectivly .I have been investigating a change of my speakers to so... 
Cayin A88T - My Favorite Amp Out of Numerous - FYI
Now move up to an amp commenserate with the Joule pre and see what happens ."Let's keep things in perspective!"Good luck . 
von schweikert vr4 gen 3 or ref 3a grand veena?
I have not heard these particular models . I have heard models in both lines and think that they are quite different sounding from one another .The VS. line tends to be a little colored toward the bottom end sounding on the warm side . Nothing wro... 
speakers with a "smooth" impedance curve
So now your mantra becomes "a smooth impedance curve above 8 ohms with a first order crossover ."Good luck. 
Cayin A88T - My Favorite Amp Out of Numerous - FYI
Have to agree with Sonicbeauty...I found that biasing this particular amp is a real PITA ! Definitly not for beginners . But it did sound nice in the mids and bottom end .Also agree with Plangco that the Sli-80 did not seem to have as much of that... 
Good "warm" CD player for $500
Try something from the NAD line .I had a 541 that was pretty warm sounding , great soundstage too .Should be able to pickup up a 542 for < half of your budget . Rather easy to pass on if you don't like it .Good luck . 
upgrade path from Dynaudio 52SE
Good post Knownothing !Good luck . 
Best intro to tube integrateds?
Ya , what Grinnell said !I love mine too and have had zero problems . Besides the miriad of power tube options it can use many different input tubes which can vastly change the final outcome . Quite versatile and well made . Plug and play easy !Be... 
Speakers for Dialogue 2
I have the Prologue 2 and enjoy it with the Reference 3a Di Capo i's . Your Dialogue has more than enough power for most anything in the Reference 3a line as they are fairly efficient (plus 90 db.) and designed for tube amps (flat impedence curve)... 
Quality speakers that don't need tons of power
Reference 3a...tailor the model to your room size .Happy tunes . 
next step for my setup? advice appreciated
My 2 cents... go for a tubed DAC !I believe that the strength of the Oppo is as a transport rather than a stand-alone player .Good luck .