
Responses from sabai

Anything wrong with PS Audio DirectStream DACs?
PS Audio's marketing (often criticized) and the number of units on the after market have nothing to do with the quality of this DAC. Those who are lucky enough to pick up one at a bargain price will be very happy with it unless they are in the mar... 
Daryls House - some great takes on familar songs
Check out Daryl with Todd Rundgren doing "I Saw the Light" and Daryl with Smokie Robinson doing "Ooh Baby". 
Taralabs cables
Audiolabyrinth,Thanks for letting me know. 
Anything wrong with PS Audio DirectStream DACs?
Yping,No harm in naming names. 
Anything wrong with PS Audio DirectStream DACs?
I just checked. 8 of these units are $6000 full-price dealer offerings. 
Anything wrong with PS Audio DirectStream DACs?
What's the difference how many units are for sale if you are enjoying the music? If you counted up all the same-name items for sale from other audio companies over a given period of time I think you would need to hire an accountant. 
Taralabs cables
Audiolabyrinth,Thanks for letting me know about the screws. I had no idea they could make a difference. 
Taralabs cables
Audiolabyrinth,Yes I am still using the Furutech GTX Rhodium. In fact, I just ordered a generic carbon fiber wall frame. I find the price of the Furutech wall frame a bit on the high side. Which wall frame are you using? 
Taralabs cables
Audiolabyrinth,I think I changed the minds of a few people regarding the rhodiums. I cannot comment on Tara cables because I have never had them in my system. But I can say that I feel you are being criticized by others for doing virtually the sam... 
Increase total Speaker Impedance Question
I use the naked auto transformers. They are great. With luck you may be able to get a used pair for less than $300. 
Raidho D1's and recommendations for amplifiers
I am using the Raidho C1.1s with an Atma-Sphere S30 and Paul Speltz Zero auto transformers. The match is absolutely perfect -- stunning synergy. 
Raidho D1's and recommendations for amplifiers
Try Atma-Sphere. Could be a match made in heaven. Well worth the try. 
Taralabs cables
Audiolabrynth,I am having computer troubles. I will be online maybe tomorrow. 
Do Pangea PC's really outperform standard PC's
It seems to me that the OP is moot. Anything outperforms the stock cable that comes with components. 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Jon2020,Thank you. I will let you know when we'll be in Singapore again. Probably sometime next year. I look forward to it.