
Responses from sabai

Update from EMM XDS1 to XDS1 V2
This kind of thing does not surprise me from EMM. It sounds like the promised updates are a figment of everyone's imagination -- especially EMM's. Just more marketing to get the hook in your pocket. 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Zugisland,Have you tried the DS DAC? 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Aolmrd1241,A number of people have had problems installing the PP FW. I think there was some corruption of some kind somewhere but I have no idea what this might have been. I am just glad that things have finally worked out with PP. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Jmcgrogan2,My post was serious.Audiogon is all about people making changes. It thrives on change. I am surely not unique. If one goes through the history of just about anyone who posts regularly on the Forum and if one looks at the Virtual Systems... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Sts,You're welcome. Thank you for your kind reply. In answer to your question, I do not document results, per se. I communicate with people for as long as they wish to be in touch and have seen many people improve their health. I document my resea... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Jmcgrogan2,Thank you very much for appreciating my site. And I also thank you for this opportunity to talk about the matters you have raised here. As you know from reading my site, I care deeply about those suffering from the 2 incurable diseases ... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Aolmrd1241,I have reinstalled the Pikes Peak FW and all is very well now with this upgrade. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
ha ha ... Superman. LOL. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Sts,Regarding my work, may I point out that the 714 unsolicited testimonials on my site include that of actress Karen Allen -- well-known for acting with Harrison Ford in Steven Spielberg's Lost Ark movies. Karen stated in an interview that her do... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Sts,Just to clarify matters for the record, may I remind Forum members that you originally introduced my professional life into the Forum in 2014, without my invitation, in two separate posts on the Grover Huffman thread that, in retrospect, also ... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Audiolabyrinth,Thank you -- much appreciated. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Sts,Do you mean that you don't like what I say on the forum so you are trying to get at my business? No need to be cryptic and mysterious. Just let everyone here know what you mean -- and what you are up to. Honesty is the best policy. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Sts,I am referring to discussions about audio and non-audio matters.Whatsat mean:"Continued discussions may very well be taking place with appropriate agencies and not in this forum."Sounds very cryptic and mysterious. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
There are always at least two parties to every discussion. I think folks may scratch their heads when the discussion effectively ends by allowing only one party to be included. 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Jon2020,How does the Bricasti separate the boys from the men? Details please?