
Responses from sabai

Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
I haven't gone away. But it seems my posts are not making it to the Forum. Which makes it look like I have gone away. No problem. People can always message me if they want to know more. Caveat lector. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
JM,You're a laugh a minute. LOL. 
How Do You Feel about The Cable Game?
Colekat,You make a valid point when you state "rarely has the new offering sounded any different then the prior series". I have stated earlier on the Forum, and I believe this to be true, that if cable makers were brought into a room and various c... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Jmcgrogan2,I see. You are now backing off by ascribing your earlier reference to snake oil as humor -- where no obvious humor was apparent or presumably intended. A very shrewd move -- after some straight talk from me got a few points across. LOL.... 
How Do You Feel about The Cable Game?
Geoffkait,You're forgiven in light of the fact this appears to be a genetic condition. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
I do believe that everyone here has the right to express their audio opinions on the Forum -- without fear of having their professional life attacked and smeared by Forum members. IMO, it is very revealing to see this diversionary tactic rear its ... 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Jmcgrogan2,I see. Instead of staying on topic it is time to try to smear the messenger -- perhaps at the behest of others.OK -- let's begin. Are you saying that pulse generators are snake oil? If so, then, IMO, you need to get up to speed by looki... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Fsmithjack,It looks like you have done a very thorough job with cabling to optimize the DS DAC and the Bricasti. I live in a remote part of Asia so it takes a lot of money and effort to do the importing and exporting required to do extensive testi... 
DAC Choices today?
Guido,Have you heard the Bricasti M1? If so, please share your impressions. 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Fsmithjack,I note your system lists 2 old Synergistic Research power cords and that your system is single ended. I wonder what the result would be if you listened to the DS DAC with high end power cords substituted for those old Synergistic Resear... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Raidhos are great speakers. I have the C1.1s and the sound is sublime. 
How Do You Feel about The Cable Game?
Geoffkait,Humorous speculation. 
Liszt458,The Bricasti will far outclass his speakers, IMO. 
Pre-amp recommendation
I can highly recommend the Audio Horizons preamp. Beautiful sound and A+ customer service. 
How Pathetic is Welborne Labs?
Tmsorosk,It may or may not be something to wine about but I can understand Cerrot whining about it. I agree with Cerrot.Ebm,At least Cerrot is not suffering from fly-by-night one-liners. LOL.