
Responses from sabai

Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Douglas_schroeder, thanks for letting me know. I don't have the QOL and have never heard it but I was interested in the talk about the phase. At the moment I am experimenting with inverting the phase using speaker wires in parallel. This makes qui... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Douglas_schroeder, I find your comments and observations direct and to the point -- very helpful. After listening to the QOL in your system, does this add up to a component you will consider adding to your own system -- or not? 
Great Monitors – Joseph Audio Pulsar ?
Done, thanks. 
Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword
Figured that the LOL crowd would finally make it to the thread. I wonder what took so long? 
Which Cables Are of Most Importance?
Musicxyz, you know what you're talking about. You and your friends have a lot of experience and it shows. Most people on Audiogon hop around from one cable company to another trying to solve their audio problems -- to no avail. There is always som... 
Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword
Ya got a great sense of humor. Don't give up so easy. You can't compare Supra with the better SR cables. That's the short answer. You may not like to hear it but that's the truth. If you want to go for the Supras then go for them. In a high end sy... 
Great Monitors – Joseph Audio Pulsar ?
I'll try to message you. With the new improved Audiogon system I hope I can find it. 
Great Monitors – Joseph Audio Pulsar ?
How much for the Pulsars? 
Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword
Listening to loud music is like trying to dodge a bullet when the air is full of lead. Eventually it catches up with most people. It just takes time. Hearing damage due to listening to loud music is cumulative and has been scientifically shown to ... 
Your jaw dropping cables
Various Synergistic Research cables, the Bybee Ultra PC and the ASI Livelines (entire line). I use cables in series and parallel. The results are superior to using single cables -- if the synergy is right. 
Synergistic Research - NEW Element Cables
Do you mean you could not get the Vibratron into a position that provided a satisfying sound -- regardless of what kind of music you were playing? 
Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword
I trained as a classical pianist. Of course, it is hard for many musicians to accept that they have diminished hearing. That's understandable.Here's a site that is not afraid of discussing this openly: 
Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword
Most professional musicians have diminished hearing because of playing for years at high volume. Many musicians have a serious hearing problem. This is a fact. Ooops, facts are not allowed. IMHO. 
Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword
Musicxyz, I haven't tested nearly as many cables as you and your friends but I am not surprised at the results you are reporting. There are very few cables I have heard that can reach you on the emotional level. My system is unconventional in that... 
Synergistic Research - NEW Element Cables
Bjesien, I understand. If I sent you a photo of the wires behind (and in front of) my system you would see something that audiophiles rarely exhibit in public. A mess. I run IC's and PC's in series. All over the place. One day I may put it up on V...