
Responses from sabai

How important is an audio rack?
Regardless what some manufacturers say, all components create mechanical resonance. I have used some expensive and well-known footers and other tweaks to try to solve the problem. Some products made a slight difference. Others made no difference a... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I don't find I need to upgrade continuously. I am happy with the sound of my system. I don't let what a manufacturer does push me into upgrading just because he came out with a new line. For instance, I have no intention of buying the new Element ... 
Speaker cables for Merlin Speakers
I use Cardas Golden Cross (cold forged spades) in parallel with ASI Liveline with my Merlins. The sound is far superior to using Cardas alone -- in my system. I am talking about tonality, sound stage width and depth and all the other criteria that... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Yes, the difference in price for the MPCs is significant. I actually had to swap out a Galileo MPC for a standard one. I have so many Galileos in my system, when I plugged in the last one my system became unlistenable -- with sound stage collapsed... 
Speaker cables for Merlin Speakers
I use cables in series and parallel with my Merlins. Granted, this is unconventional, but the results are stunning. In my system this gives superior results to using any single cable. It is actually similar to what Franck Tchang does with his ASI ... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Your comments that "SR knows how to keep a $$$ flow going" also applies to other cable makers. All cable makers are in business to make money -- are they not? This is not a valid criticism, IMO.For me, valid criticisms are related to the quality o... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Everyone upgrades. That's not a valid criticism, IMO. It is the pace of the upgrades that is sometimes irksome. I don't think you can argue with quality when it works in your system. If SR didn't work in your system so be it. But for a large numbe... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
One aspect of MPCs that I forgot to mention is that they can become too much of a good thing -- in my system. I recently replaced one standard MPC with a Galileo Quantum Tunneled MPC. It killed the sound, rendering it sterile, lacking in the 3-D s... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
The 10SE is basically a very good product but the retail price was excessive in light of subsequent events. It looks like SR brought it out with the marketing plan of bringing out a 4-module version a few months down the road for the same price --... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Glor, you must have a problem with your system if the SR cables did nothing for you. LOL. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Hey Glor, ever heard high end SR products? 
I am looking at 3 DACs -- AMR DP-77, PD MPD-3 and APL DAC-S. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. 
Straight XLR vs XLR to RCA adapter
Agreed. Did not work at all for me. 
Power Cord brands mixing. "Your Opinions"
I run PC's in series. The right combinations are head and shoulders above single cables in my system. 
The best digital IC, period.
Musicxyz, I am running an AES/EBU digital cable at the moment. Would you say that the HiDiamond digital (which is not available in AES/EBU) is better sounding than even the best XLR digitals you have tested?