
Responses from sabai

In defense of quantum products.
Sarcher30 says: "I don't own any so I can't say if thats good or not." So how is it possible to talk of snake oil or support someone who talks about snake oil or to indulge in any other denigrating comments if you have no actual experience with th... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Audiofeil, Maybe he was just slinging back some of the goob that has been slung at him on Audiogon. If those who regularly use insults to comment on the products of manufacturers they are not pleased were to employ a more respectful tone they migh... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Theaudiotweak, good point. I just went to the US Patent Office site and did a search under Synergistic Research and another search under Ted Denney. Nothing came up. Which does not mean SR products don't work. They work wonderfully in my system. B... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Geoff, I note that you completely sidestepped the content of Byron's comments by diverting the discussion to ERS paper and by indulging in other polemical digressions. Frankly, I thought Byron's comments about your statements being obscurantist we... 
What's the best AES Digital Balanced cable you eve
I have tried a lot of digital cables including the Mogami Gold. Nothing came close to the SR Tesla LE D3. This is system dependent, of course. Although I have not tried their digital cable, I think ASI and HiDiamond would also be worth trying. 
In defense of quantum products.
Ozzy, That was definitely a no-no experience. I agree. I am surprised that Jack Bybee did not repair it or come clean. I have respect for Jack Bybee because of the superior results I have had with his products. No question. I have never had a repa... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Tbg, The empirical method and the scientific method are not the same at all. In the realm of medicine, science includes clinical evidence in the form of "double blind testing" but it is based on "studies". The latter open the door for cooking the ... 
What's the best AES Digital Balanced cable you eve
If you try the Synergistic Research Tesla LE D3 Digital in a good system I think you will find that you will have something to say that you would not be able to say about the Mogami Gold. Enough said. 
Do you believe in Magic?
Byron, your statement is not entirely correct, IMO:"As flawed as scientific inquiry is, it is the only widespread human endeavor in history devoted to the systematic detection of errors based on evidence."So-called science is often based on assert... 
In defense of quantum products.
Ozzy, I don't quite understand. Was it repaired -- but not to your satisfaction cosmetically. Or was it not repaired at all? 
In defense of quantum products.
Onhwy61, to clarify, I have not ONLY been lucky. I have in fact been very rational and methodical about this. It has taken me 6 years to get here. Of course, luck always enters into it in audio because you never can tell before you push the on but... 
In defense of quantum products.
I always roll the dice when choosing components, cabling and tweaks. I have little choice since I live overseas and don't have the opportunity to audition products. The way I see it, nothing ventured nothing gained. Life itself is a roll of the di... 
In defense of quantum products.
Elizabeth, Ozzy and Tpreaves, what have your experiences been with quantum products when you listened to them in your systems? 
Do you believe in Magic?
Geoff, I never heard a satisfied customer complaining about "controversial devices and tweaks" -- or demanding "scientific" proof and blind testing. A lot of people are happy to trust their ears and enjoy the music. Who would be deterred from owni... 
Do you believe in Magic?
Byron, sorry, my comments above are a misstatement on my part. They should read:Byron, you are exactly correct, IMO, when you state "A scientific explanation isn't valid because it's intuitive, or plausible, or satisfying." There are many commonly...