
Responses from sabai

Best Jazz pianist
Many of my favorites have already been mentioned. One who was not is Ramsey Lewis. He is very underrated. 
Hey Glor, you writing the rule book here? 
Fiddler, according to your logic anyone who holds a strong opinion should either not register to post on the forums or they should not express those opinions if they do register. Because, ipso facto, what they say will be suspect. I mean, what kin... 
Has anyone used Supra AC connectors ???
I wire in series and in parallel. I am using Bybee, ASI Liveline and Synergistic Research and one Cardas. I have not found a single company that does better than series and parallel. There is something in the synergy that just works -- and I am no... 
Has anyone used Supra AC connectors ???
Have you seen and used the Supra plug and IEC? Have you seen and used Oyaide plugs and IEC's -- any Oyaide version? If so, you might change your opinion. I cannot imagine anyone A/B-ing the Supra against the Oyaide saying the Supra sounded better.... 
Fiddler, according to your logic, everyone who prefers one component or cable is suspect. This calls the honesty of all such posters into question. Are the only acceptable posts those that express confusion and uncertainly? What a sad day this wou... 
Your jaw dropping cables
Musicxyz, thanks for your observations. I could not agree more about the emotional experience. You're right not to divulge too much about the cables you've tested. You'd create the biggest hornet's nest on the forum. I'm sure you're aware.I just p... 
Has anyone used Supra AC connectors ???
Agisthos, you hit the nail on the head. Supra is a low-priced cable and one can expect appropriate sonic attributes. Their plug/IEC connectors are an embarrassment. They belong in the 5-and-dime store. 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Douglas_schroeder, your comments are spot-on. Ozzy's reasoning is skewed and contradictory. First he states:"All you are saying is that more is less. That line we all agree."Then he states:"Don't discredit an item just because you have to add anot... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Ozzy, Douglas_schroeder stated:"I conducted my assessment of QOL in my own room with multiple systems."You state:"I suspect you did't [sic] even try one."What's up here? If you don't like someone's opinion then just say so. If you make this kind o... 
Which Cables Are of Most Importance?
Glory, have you hear it yet? 
The best digital IC, period.
Musicxyz, I noticed HiDiamond does not have an AES/EBU digital cable. Are you using their digital cable? If so, how does it sound? 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Douglas_schroeder, I agree with you completely about not accepting marginal improvements. You can't get exceptional results if you accept mediocrity. Why waste time with inferior products? Unless you dismiss them quickly, it takes more time and ef... 
Your jaw dropping cables
Musicxyz, I am very interested in your observations about HiDiamond cables. I have never heard them. Have you and your friends had a chance to listen to ASI Liveline cables. If so, could you comment on them versus HiDiamond? In my system ASI Livel... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Musicxyz, have you owned Merlin or Joseph Audio speakers? If so, how did they sound to you?