
Responses from rwd

SCHEU Premier substitution
I read recently (I believe here) that the motor on the Premier ll and other Scheu were not as good as the motor on the Teres or Galibier or Redpoint. Any comments Darkmoebius or anyone else? Any comments on the Scheu versus the Galibier/ Teres??Ri... 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Hi Paul. Where are you going to audition the Shindo 301? Do you live in NYC? Possibly we can go together?I assume the Garrard comes with the Ortofon arm. 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Hi Thg...I live in NYC! Where is the Shindo/Garrard 301 set up? you mean the Garrard of many moons ago?? 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Thanks to you all! Hi Sirspeedy!!! Yes I should give the great Sid all call. In recent investigations into a new TT and arm my sights were set on the new VPI HR-X which came along with the 12.6 arm. No one, in particular, said the arm or table wa... 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
TBG....when you say it is difficult to set up the VTA on the Schroder, how do you mean? I know the Tri-Planer has easy VTA adjustments but doesn't the Reference Schroder also have easy VTA? Do you know how to set the VTA on the DPS (or Model 2)? I... 
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2
Hey all, I just got my Calypso (used on Audiongon) just last week. Hey Perfectionist, I also have the ARC LS25 mk1.The Calypso WITH my Rhea is a better match then with my Ls25. I need more time to listen, however.Also, I may have a slight noise pr... 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Ahhhh!! Now this show be a good thread! I am interested in both arms. Hope we can get some expert advice. Also it would be good to compare the DPS Schroder ($3,900) vs the Tri ($3,900). 
low resistance and highest quality Speaker cables
Well I have alpha I must be OK....:) 
Which NYC Dealers REALLY know how to setup a TT?
Hi Quaxtro,My understanding is that he lives in NYC. Will he travel? Could be??? Thom??? are you there??As I said, this is just from a discussion I had with Thom recently. 
Which NYC Dealers REALLY know how to setup a TT?
From what I understand there are just a few real good set up men (women?) for TT and arms in this area. Nick at Audio Connection in Verona NJ is quite good. However, if you are considering one of the cottage TT, I understand from Thom at Gilibier ... 
low resistance and highest quality Speaker cables
No comments? Do low resistance cables exist? 
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint
Hey Xagwell, you should fall in love with the Rhea!! I have mine (no tube rolling on mine Dan) over a year and it replaced an ARC PH3 SE (pretty good phono amp itself). The difference was like putting the flesh on some very strong bones! The Rhea ... 
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint
Hey Dan good luck on your trip. If I had the time I'd join you!!!! It looks like I am leaning toward the Galibier or Teres with a Schroder arm myself! Keep us posted! 
New Battery for Teres?
Hi John...did the battery just up and die or did it give you any indications it would not hold a charge? Hold long did you have the battary? The reason I am asking this is because I am thinking of buying a Teres/Gilabier or other D/C battary power... 
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2
I also have an ARC LS 25 MKl pre-amp. I just made a deal to purchase "sound unheard" a Calypso. I did so because of a few things. Number one: the fine review by JadeM6 and Perfectionist and many others!! I also have an Aesthetix Rhea which I happe...