
Responses from rwd

Infinity IRS BETA Servo with Balanced Pre/Amps
I know Dave as I am also a member on the NY Audiophile club (although don't attend many meetings). We probably have you know "the great Ross"?? 
Infinity IRS BETA Servo with Balanced Pre/Amps
Hey.....yes, I was right and so were you!!!! I heard the RS 1-B's you are talking about!!! I was at the great "Shady-Marks" house a few times. I agree with you 100% about his system and his listening ability.P.S. Are you in the NYC area? I might k... 
Infinity IRS BETA Servo with Balanced Pre/Amps
Thanks Sirspeed for you kind comments and complements. Yes, I agree with you also about the RS-1-B's. Every year when I come home from the NY Audio show hearing some of the best speakers around, the Infinity's compete quite nicely.BTY... the retir... 
aestetix rhea - the groove - sutherland fono stage
HI costanzia@tin.itI currently have the Rhea which replaced an ARC PH 3SE. I have not heard the Groove but did hear the Sutherland briefly. The reason I purchased the Rhea was the convenience it provides me. Since I have two cartridges and arm wan... 
Infinity IRS BETA Servo with Balanced Pre/Amps
Hi Sirspeedy! I tried e-mailing you but was unsuccessful.I have RS-1B's and would love to contact your friend who did the modification to the crossover. Can you e-mail me this information? Tks! 
New Years Resolutions
Sean, good show....!! You have helped me out in the past and many others as well but your gesture of "friendship and peace" is something WE ALL must continue to pursue.Happy New year to you, and to all here at 'gon and everywhere else! 
New Von Schweikert Models
Your right Maineiac!!!! Really very little about the v5 and almost nothing about the v7!!!????!!! 
What amp/amps to drive magnepan 20.1's
Has anyone tried the 20.1's with ASL Hurricanes which are rated at 200 wpc all KT 88 tube amps? I am curious??Rick 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
My prayers to you Pat and you're family......remember........"when you're down and nothin', ....God's up to somethin'" 
Has anyone used the aesthetix calypso preamp?
Jadem6....any possibilities of getting your hands on a Rhea Phono stage to check out that combo?RWD 
Question for Aerial 20T Owners
Hi an Infinity RS 1-B owner how does the bass on the Aerial 20 compare to your Beta's? In addition, had you given the Wilson Watt Puppy 7 a look and listen? I'd appreciate you commenst and others on this subject. Hey, why not add on to ... 
Genesis 1.1, Infinity IRS V, 4 chasiss speakers
Yes......go to live concerts. Make sure you do not increase the woofers too much. We all seem to love the effect that a great bass system can produce....but in a live concert it is much more cohesive. Keep the woofers under control. A good bass am... 
Genesis 1.1, Infinity IRS V, 4 chasiss speakers
My RS 1-B's are in an unusual space (see my system pics). However, I have them spaced approx 5 feet apart (tweeter to tweeter) and my listening seat is 8 feet back. My room is 27 x 16 (living/dining room). The woofer columns are behind the mid-twe... 
What is a good Preamp with ASL Hurricanes?
I have good success with my ARC LS 25mkl per amp and the Hurricane. I am also using a Rhea Phone amp into my LS 25 as well. Everthing together is a fine match. 
Aesthetix Rhea owners
Yes, I do. However it is so low it does not interfere with the musical experience. By the way, when I get up some time I'd like to do a quick review of this unit. It's marvelous!!