
Responses from rwd

VPI Aries 300 RPM motor - Humming
Try placing a PC mouse pad under the motor. I had hum problems but only with 45 RPM. With the pad (recommended by VPI) it disapeared. Let me know if that works. 
Eagle 7a amplifier...
Does anyone know what the power rating is on this amp??? 
Avantgarde in NYC?
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint congratulations again on a very difficult decision. As I said to you this morning, your decision has helped me also in focusing on my vinyl journey as well.Hey well put....about those feeling of being 10 years old and getti... 
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint
Hi all this is just great news....but now I am so confused with all this informationa and so much to digest! I am swamped at work right now but need to get back to you all in the thread and via e-mails. The DD Teres looks great, the Schroder Ref i... 
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint
Hi Sirspeedy......the audition of the Shindo/Garrard is a month away. I will call you and we can see it together. But, I can't wait for Dan's reviews ...oh the perssure.....he may be holding my analog future in his hands........oh the pressure....... 
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint're the MAN!!! 
Teres, Galibier and Redpoint
Wishing Dan_ed well!!!!!Dan is off to Denver for a shootout of Galibier-Teres-Schroder-Tri-Planer and maybe more this weekend. I know we will ALL benefit from his trip! I wish him a good safe, happy time and I awiat a full report for us all when h... 
What is the sonic differences between Manley and..
Ngjockey...just the "family" sound if possible? Perhaps....VTL 450 vs Manley 300??? 
Lenco tables
Thanks for the input all!David I e-mailed you......Dan, I'll try calling you!P.S. Didn't Albert Porter do a Lenco project...hey Albert??? 
Lenco tables
Please tell me who does the mod's on Lenco TT? I am very interested. 
Capable Tech to service Infinity RS1b crossover?
Hi Fbi...the Perreaux 3150 was an improvement over the Perreaux 2150. I still think your on the right track! The crossover (servo) is a major area that could improve the sound. I just had the RCA's cganged a few years ago and that made an improvem... 
Is Direct Drive Really Better? I have to look into DD or Idle-wheel drive TT?Here I am ready to upgrade my TT and arm with a VPI, Galibier or Teres and a Schroder or Tri-Planer. Now we have the Garrard 301 Idle-wheel......and Lenco.....OH MY!!!! Now you have force me t... 
Dynavector XV-1s What is the REAL story?
Sirspeedy...hey!!! Just a thought! If I were Sid, I would do one of three things real quickly to improve my system!1.) Check my VTA on the 12.5 arm2.) Change my cartridge to the Dyna XV-13.) NOTHING...and sit back and enjoy my FABULOUS collection ... 
Capable Tech to service Infinity RS1b crossover?
Bbro...just googled and could not find? Do you have a contact?