
Responses from rwd

NOS tubes for Aesthetix Calypso
Mullard 10's will cost you a fortune. Read the threads by Perfectionist. He recommends a few since he did a great deal of tube rolling. Also the great Jadem6 wrote a fabulous review and also identified so good tube to use with this pre-amp.I just ... 
SCHEU Premier substitution
Hassel, is Soundscape-hifi a dealer or Audiogon member?Also, are you in the NYC tri-state are? We are gathering a group of us to attened the VTV in NJ on May 6th. 
Next Turntable a-77. and I just e-mailed you. 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Hey, lets not all leave without some "plans"...OK? Since we seem to be in somewhat of an agreement as to the May 6-7th weekend in NJ it might be good if someone (me??) coordinates this. In other words when and where do we meet. Do we stop for brea... 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Hey Sirspeedy (love to find out what the name means...although I think I know) what a wonderful idea!!!!!! Yes I am attending and I will contact the GREAT Sid and Dave. You are all more then welcomed to come by my home to listen to my system later... 
Next on the list for Mahler....
Which Mahler symphony is his most famous? And what is the best vinyl recording of it...both sonics and performance.Thanks to all. 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
P.S. I forgot to add the Shindo 301 Garrard that the great Tbg informed us all about. This is also very intriguing and I plan to set up a listing session with the distributor. Has anyone else heard this Table/arm set up?? 
SCHEU Premier substitution
I am happy to hear that Scheu has come out with a better motor. Hassel, you siad above..."I've heard the Tacco/Schroeder comparison several times from a few German Scheu owners"did they give any comment as to which arm was better (Schroder or Tacc... 
Next Turntable
Hey Whart, what a great choice you made!! I hope you enjoy and please keep us posted as to your comments! 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Boy, what a fabulous hobby we have! Just look at this thread and the comradery that exists here!First off, Doug, I sure would love to visit you and hear your wonderful system. You are a kind man. Let me check my free time and see where you actuall... 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Well it looks like we have somthing going! Dan may be off to Colorado to check out some very interesting tables (both of which I am very interested in) OR he may join us at this FAB VTV show!! Colin has a Reference on order so he is interested in ... 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
WoW!! Thank you Dark and Dgad!! I will definitely be attending!!I also love to see the new Schroder. P.S. Is the SQ a new designed arm? Is it replacing the DPS or Reference?Boy, my mouth is watering!! So many tubes and TT's and arms....all to fill... 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Great Info SirSpeedy!!!! You know I will be there! BTW...what is the VTV? 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Hey Dan...demo unit?? Shoot, I purchased it sound unheard!! This is mine..:))! So, I guess I can play around all I want with the tubes. The original owner (real nine 'goner) had Semins in the 6922 spot and Dynaco in the 12AX7 spot. I believe the 1... 
ASL Hurricane or CJ 140
I have the original ASL Hurricanes. I have a review here on AudioGon. Aside from the fact that the amps are not "state of the art" in build quality (had some minor problems) they are SOTA in sound. I would certainly consider them. As to the Connie...