
Responses from rtn1

High End Isolation - HRS, SRA, Active platforms
I have no doubt on the ability of cones/spikes, elastic interfaces, and shelves of varying density to affect oscillations and change the sound for the better. I have tried some varieties of all of these things.However, it seems the passive approac... 
High End Isolation - HRS, SRA, Active platforms
I hope an engineer can chime in here, but I'll take a shot at this. A rack really will only deal with vibrations that come through the floor. These are traveling through concrete or wood, and are low frequency. I personally do not see how any rack... 
High End Isolation - HRS, SRA, Active platforms
For active isolation (ie. Halcyonics), is there a benefit to isolating each individual component to it's own platform, or could one place several stacked pieces. I'm thinking of a DAC/transport stacked onto one platform. Appreciate anyone with fir... 
Comparison Cary 306, Wadia 581, EMM Labs CDSA
For anyone living on the bleeding edge of technology, there are going to be issues. I believe most companies have faltered at least a couple times in customer service and reliability. I would agree upon the importance of hearing equipment yourself... 
How to make sound less detailed with warmth?
The Thiels are going to be very detailed. A positive for listening to classical music, maybe a negative for jazz and rock. Ultimately depends upon your personal preferences and musical tastes.Before getting rid of them, you should spend some time ... 
What Happened to Thiel?
That's odd. I spoke to someone at Thiel who said there were no plans to replace the 7.2 anytime soon. The rumors of a replacement for the 3.6 went on for many years before anything actually materialized. So history might suggest that nothing in te... 
Thiel 7.2 and the 3.7
Tom,I think I must have been looking at the price for each speaker. I'm also a fan of Thiel, just a bit skeptical the 3.7 should be viewed as a sucessor of the 7.2. Perhaps the 3.7 will have an even broader appeal, although Thiel has always seemed... 
Thiel 7.2 and the 3.7
Comparing the 3.7 to the 7.2 does not add up.Don't get me wrong. The 3.7 is going to represent a wonderful valud at under $5k, and will likely be classed among other lines of speakers costing up to $12k. Add a subwoofer, and I'm sure it will be so... 
Firebird Suite
Boulez/Chicago play it straight with wonderful color, power when appropriate, and a breathtaking recording. After imprinting on Boulez, everything else seems overwrought. Ditto for Rite of Spring with Boulez/Cleveland. 
Power for Thiel 7.2
Right now, I'm sitting in front of my stereo listening to Beethoven 9 by Barenboim and the Berliner Staatskapelle. The DAC is at '100'. The sound is glorious.Is 600 watts enough? Yes. Yes it is.Is Pass Labs a good match? Yes. Yes it is.Do I worry ... 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
and some people claim they love coffee, but add so much cream to turn the color pale, and so much sugar to kill the taste altogether. Does this mean they don't really like coffee or don't know how to taste...I happen to agree with the original pos... 
Shunyata Hydra Users....Your Opinion please...
John (Ikkyu2),Thanks for posting your experience. I think this is the type of clarification people seek on audiogon and dont get from the 'professional' reviewers that heap praise on whatever they put into their system.It also is a good example of... 
Wadia 270/27ix vs. ??
The answer is no. And I don't worry about whether the latest CD player is better. I could understand if someone wants a different flavor, but I serious doubt one could find better. For me, I'm pretty much set.What is it that he wants to change. Th... 
Brandnew WADIA Decoding Computer
If the current Wadia system is better than the Meitner, then how is the new, and as-yet unheard Wadia worse than the Meitner? Did they take a step backwards after 10 years? 
Brandnew WADIA Decoding Computer
Wow. A 3-piece DAC. That's exactly what everyone needs. Forget the question of separates, the magic number is 4 with the transport.I'm sure it sounds exactly like if someone told the smartest digital playback engineers to make something with absol...