
Responses from rodman99999

How do you determine absorbtion panel placement
That would be for speakers with wide dispersion. Not an issue with narrow dispersion, especially with the distance you have from your side walls. 
How do you determine absorbtion panel placement
Both Maggies and Apogees have very narrow dispersion patterns(little worry of side reflections), and will benefit most from their rear radiation being diffused(rather than absorbed), for more sound stage depth. In their case; diffuser panels(like ... 
SR Tesla Apex- How Stiff?
Got 'em, and only had to move my equipment about 3/4" to accomodate the way I've curved them. Tbg's estimation was right on. So far, so good! Now to cook 'em, and listen. Thanks again for the replies. 
Bi amping using ss amp and tube amp..
As Ng mentions; Not an even match, and why not benefit from letting the tube amp carry the mids? That's where tube equipment provides the greatest sonic improvement. Unless you can balance the sensitivity and output levels of the two amps, you're ... 
Cap change advise for a Symphonies V2 preamp?
The site I posted(last) explains which lead(black) is connected to the outer foil of the(auriCAP) cap, which should be connected to the signal source in your case(coupling), for best noise rejection. Most of the better caps' leads are designated i... 
auralex bass traps
They're great at removing boom from a room. I've got LENRDs in the corners, behind my listening position. Just the upper 4FT, as there is furniture below that point to break up the waves. 
Cap change advise for a Symphonies V2 preamp?
Of course simple(less in the signal path) is best, and caps are what nature(as in, "live music") seems to abhor the most. Ergo: my recommendations are always to go with the best/least obtrusive in any application. Of the ones you've mentioned, I'd... 
Cap change advise for a Symphonies V2 preamp?
BTW: If the values that you have are .22uF/200V and .47uF/400V, the other two caps should be 1uF/400V. Keep your eyes open for a NOS(50's), Mullard(Blackburn plant) 6X4 rectifier, for the preamp. 
Cap change advise for a Symphonies V2 preamp?
At the bottom of this page( ) there are a variety of caps on which you can click. I talked to them the other day, and was told they would be carrying the Vcap CuTf, "soon". ( http://www.v... 
SR Tesla Apex- How Stiff?
Thanks guys- I was afraid that might be the case. Still, if their sound merits it, I suppose I could do some rearranging to accomodate them. Audition time(Just talked to The Cable Company)! 
SR Tesla Apex- How Stiff?
Well- That opinion DOES make me want to seek a way to audition them for myself. Guess I'll contact The Cable Company for some further info. 
Cap change advise for a Symphonies V2 preamp?
DON'T use a hot-melt gun! That kind of heat will cause damage to almost ANY of the higher-end caps. Rather, use double sided tape, or some of these sticky backed cable tie mounts( 
Cap change advise for a Symphonies V2 preamp?
Hi South43- As with tube rolling; much depends on what flavor of sound you are after. If softer/warmer: you might try some paper in oil(like NOS Jensens), for more resolution/detail/transparency: Vcap's TfTf and somewhere closer to the middle: Vca... 
12at7 with 12ax7 tubes
The ones that I have are actually labelled, 'Telefunken' but were obviously made by someone else(no diamond on the bottom). I never had another tube in the amp, and so- have no valid comparison. The mention of Sylvania's 6201 was part of the quote... 
SR Tesla Apex- How Stiff?
Yes- Interconnects. The section behind the RCA, with the shrink tubing, looks kinda stiff. That made me wonder. I really want to compare them to the Wireworld Platinum Eclipses that I'm using on my mains now(Gold Eclipse 5.2's on the woofer amps)....