

Responses from rodge827

$10K-15K short list?
Charney Audio Companion or Maestro. Both are under 10k and hit all the right cues for musical enjoyment. Pair them with a good SET amp and high quality source and your done!I have the Maestro and constantly get sucked into the music. If you like t... 
Upgrading path from Merlin VSM black magic
Charney Audio Concerto will fill your room with exceptional sound for $22,000!Your electronics should work perfectly well with the Concerto and with the 3k left over you can treat the room accordingly. Charney is in Somerset NJ a quick flight from... 
Best high-efficiency speaker under 10K
Charney Audio Companion with Voxativ drivers or for less $ the Maestro with the Omega RS7 driver.Exceptional design, build, and oh the sound! Charney will change your mind on what a single driver speaker can do!   
Most "Accurate/Realistic" Sounding Speakers?
Charney Audio! Full range single driver tractrix designed rear loaded horns. Charney's design will change all misconceptions about single driver designs. I have the Maestro and constantly amazed at what I'm experiencing. Charney is in Somerset NJ ... 
Audiophile recording and playback - Tascam DA-3000
Thank you dgarretson for your help! :) 
Audiophile recording and playback - Tascam DA-3000
 I have another question which is kinda basic but before I jump into an external clock I need to ask...To connect the Live Clock I would use a BNC Cable from the Word SYNC Out from the Tascam to a Word Clock In on the Live Clock, Then another BNC ... 
Audiophile recording and playback - Tascam DA-3000
dgarretson,Thank you for the response and the information :)Looking into one and hope to purchase soon.Chris 
Audiophile recording and playback - Tascam DA-3000
dgarretson,If I use the DA 3000 for playback only (SD Cards, SPDIF Input) 1) Does the Live Clock improve the sound?2) How would I install (which connections to use) the Live Clock to benefit SD card/SPDIF playback?TIAChris 
Audiophile recording and playback - Tascam DA-3000
Just picked up a used Decware modded version of the DA3000. Jury is still out but I do like what I'm hearing. I like the NOS Dacs, but this unit with upsampling and Decware output stage takes this unit to a completely new level! Steve provides a s... 
Jena Labs cables simply amazing!!
Yep completely agree! Awesome cables! Last stop on the merry-go-round! 
Pre-amp upgrade time?
I second the Shiny Eyes 4P1L tube preamp from Radu Tarta! I had mine made with a custom TKD remote volume pot. Very reasonable in cost and very well made.http://http//www.hificollective.co.uk/potentiometers/tkd-2cp-2511-mc-motorised-potentiometer.... 
Do you find battery supplies inferior to well designed power supplies?
I ave had a number of battery dacs and my transport is run off a battery. IMHO A Dac and amp on a battery is very quiet, but you loose the bloom that a well designed transformer supply can offer. At first it sounds great but after a while you real... 
These three cables, what would you choose?
DH Labs 
The most transparent speaker cable
Jena Labs you get what you pay for! 
Need recomendation for an IC to fill out and enrich the sound between amp and pre-amp.
+1 for the Belden 8402 and 8412 IC's...made them myself and can't believe the improvement in sound quality. http://jeffsplace.me/wordpress/?p=7325