

Responses from rodge827

Yesteryears' expensive speakers compared to modern moderately expensive speakers
If your in the NJ/NYC/Eastern PA area please put Charney Audio on your audition list. High efficiency rear loaded horns made on the tractrix theory.  
Notable very small loudspeaker companies (other than Tekton!)
Charney Audio one man on a mission to change the perseption of full range single driver horns.http://charneyaudio.com/ 
Most resolving Speaker
Charney Audio Concerto!Rear loaded horn based on the Tractrix theory. The Concerto produces a clean clear picture into the recording venue and studio recordings have a live presence due to the amount of detail retrieved. Of course this is all depe... 
Best high-efficiency speaker under 10K
@bache Sorry forgot to hit the notify button. Here is a link to Charney audio with current pricing. 
Maybe looking at the following to replace my Magico S-5 MK 1
@jglacken The Charney Audio Concerto would be a great fit for your room. It is a 7' tall full range rear loaded horn that delivers serious musical engagement.  Charney is close to the Newark International in NJ. I'm sure he would be glad to pick y... 
Maybe looking at the following to replace my Magico S-5 MK 1
@jglaken...What size is your room? 
Looking for speaker suggestions
@stevea11757...Charney Audio is in Somerset NJ, depending on where your at in the city 1/2 hour to hour away. Contact Brian and arrange for an audition. If you don't drive Brian might be able to arrange a pick up at a train station or ferry termin... 
Looking for speaker suggestions
The Charney Audio Companion  with the Omega RS7 driver ($5400.00) will work in your space and mate well with your electronics. Don't let the the small size fool you. This is a serious music listeners horn speaker that delivers! The Companion is... 
Efficient Speakers with SS Powered Subwoofers for SET amps?
@chrisallen I to have owned a number of Omega Speakers and agree with you about the drivers in a box cabinet. That said the tractrix designed Charney horns take the RS7 driver to another level. Very close to the Lowther drivers Charney offers but ... 
Efficient Speakers with SS Powered Subwoofers for SET amps?
The Charney Audio Companion with the Omega RS7 driver would be a great way to go for your room size. I have listened to them in a 14x19x9 room and the bass is sufficient. You can always add one down the road if desired. Your choice of the LM 518a ... 
Best redbook-only CD Player under $10k - Bryston BCD3, Resolution Audio Cantata 3.0, ....
@goldman I have listened to the Cantata side by side to the above mentioned Sparkler S503. The Sparkler has a real organic natural truth to the music, where the Cantata, although very good, lacked naturalness. The Cantata was good Hifi where the S... 
Efficient Speakers with SS Powered Subwoofers for SET amps?
@chrisallen- What is your room size? 
Best redbook-only CD Player under $10k - Bryston BCD3, Resolution Audio Cantata 3.0, ....
Look at the Sparkler Audio S503 Smart CD Player. I have listened to this numerous times at Charney Audio (Dealer). Every time I’m overly impressed what this little cd player with the NOS TDA1543 can do with red book. The player is $1750.00, save y... 
Wide dispersion + high efficiency + detail + coherence in a speaker?
Charney Audio horns. I have the Maestro with Omega RS7 drivers. All of his horns are high eff and produce clean articulate coherent bass. Charney utilizes the Tractrix theory in his designs. The horns are rear loaded and couple with the room to pr... 
Best used or new DAC under $3500
@wig Have you put your BP Dac up for sale yet?