

Responses from rodge827

What transport should I get?
I have had the pleasure of listening to the Sparkler Audio s303 ($1300.00) as a player and transport to a very highly modified dac. As a transport it sounds fantastic since it runs off a battery power supply. For about $400.00 more the S503 is a w... 
EAR vs Audio Note preamp
Audio Note! I had a very upgraded and modified M3 at one time. Wish I still had it! AN gear makes music not just good sounds. Well worth the investment. 
Best interconnects used for around $500 +?
DNM HFTN IC cables run about $500.00 new and to my ears are very hard to beat at 4x their cost. 
Toslink cables...do they make a difference?
Lifatec are excellent optical cables and reasonable on the wallet.Glasslined is the way to go in optical cables if you are looking at something else. Happy hunting 
Looking for speakers under 30" tall.
Decware DNA horn...great sounding and only 28" high. Plus you can have them custom finished. $1700.00 + shipping.Hope you find what your looking for. 
Considering buying a CD transport
cooper52,For a great cd transport the 47 Labs Flatfish is a good choice. I have mine modified with a super clock and custom battery power supply. I have yet to hear anything better including computer audio. Unfortunately mine is in a box since I l... 
Improvement in CD player transports
Never thought CD players worked well as transports. Bought a 47 Labs Flatfish Transport and had a guy modify it with a super clock, BG caps in the internal power supply, and runs off a custom battery and cap bank power supply. Cost a bit but was w... 
recommendations on a good used cd player for under $750
Look for an Oppo BDP 95, used they go from 600.00-800.00 on the used market. Run it in Pure Audio Mode with either Variable or Fixed Output. Sounds awesome and you can play concert BDVD through it with awesome sound quality!just my 2c 
Performer-in-Room Quality with Speakers?
Hi Michael,The Charney Audio Maestro will fit your needs perfectly. They are a single driver full range rear loaded horn based on the tractrix theory. I know you mentioned earlier in the thread that you aren't interested in this type of speaker, b... 
Integrated amps for Joseph Audio rm22si
Look into Analog Engineering Associates. Ken Leonard is a master at restoring vintage Fisher, Scott, Sherwood or any other tube amp you can think of. I had purchased a Fisher X-100-B and traded it back for a Sherwood S-5000-II, since I needed a li... 
Speakers for my room
I have a pair of Shelby+Kroll monitors with matching subs that will give you exactly what want. The monitors were designed for studio use and home audio. They throw a huge sound stage with spooky real imaging. With the size of your room, the S+K’s... 
If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.
Money no object: Charney Audio ConcertoMoney a concern: Shelby+Kroll Monitors which I already own...Heck                               money is always a concern for my hobbies.Money a deep concern: Something from the Andrew Jones                  ... 
After Several Years, Time to Upgrade: Your Suggestions
Here is a link for a first reflection point calculator:http://www.acoustic.ua/forms/calculator4.en.html Although they use cm’s for measurement but you can put inches in the boxes and get the same results. Using this greatly improved the sound qual... 
What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why?
For 22k New the Charney Audio Concerto is a must listen! If you live in the Greater NY, NJ area it is well worth the time to stop in for a listen. 
Searching for LONG / NARROW players
I have a 47 Labs Flatfish with a modded super clock and black gates in the power supply. Powered by a custom battery power supply I will let go to an interested party. rodge827 at comcast dot net Best sounding most analog like transport I have eve...