

Responses from rodge827

Tube amp suggestions mate with Audionote pre and Tannoy gold monitors
Does anyone have experience with the ANK Legend mono blocks. I really like the looks and the price point. I'm not familiar with the Legend Mono's but very familiar with the Interstage Mono's 8w version and the Kit 1. Both are excellent sounding ... 
Capitol Audio Fest and the New York Audio a trend is emmerging
Perhaps the show organizers should hand out blindfolds and lead perspective buyers from room to room. That way one wouldn't know how much the system costs or looks like, etc. We have these amazing listening devices attached on each side of our hea... 
Tube / SS amp that handles 4ohm loads well and delivers lively texture / palpability
@zuio I'm not sure where you live but theses are a steal at this price:https://www.audiogon.com/listings/lis96adf-audio-note-kits-parallel-interstage-monoblocks-tubeCoupled with an ANK L3 or L4 preamp and you'll be in aural heaven!  
"Could you help an old altar boy"
DAC HS DAC2 I have the HS DAC1 and love what it does And the 2 is said to be better so... 
Tube / SS amp that handles 4ohm loads well and delivers lively texture / palpability
@zuio-Which AN amp are you considering? 
Tube / SS amp that handles 4ohm loads well and delivers lively texture / palpability
Contact Tommy O’Brien at the Digital Amplifoer Company and explain to him your needs. His class D amps are leaders in their class. Many owners have sold off their expensive class A SET and class A SS in favor of them. I have owned numerous amps of... 
Best Preamp New or Used up to $3,000 ??
Audio Note Kits (ANK) L3! Take your time and look around for a used one that usually sell in the $1500-$2500 range depending on components installed. I had one years ago sold it for financial reasons and just repurchased an L3 upgraded to L4. Very... 
What’s a 10k to 15k speaker from smaller company that performs well?
The Charney Audio Companion with your choice of drivers range from $5400 - $15,000. I have the Maestro with RS7 drivers and thoroughly enjoy the open uncongested and engaging music that flows across my ears.http://charneyaudio.com/  
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
Charney Audio Companion with your choice of driver. Tractrix designed rear loaded horns that deliver sweet engaging sound! Great with solid state and exceptional with SET tube amps. Place them near the front wall or in the corners and bring the ar... 
Advice and help understanding, choosing a Widebander / Single Full Range Driver speaker?
Yes I do plan on being there and will report back my impressions.Chris 
Amps that bring liveliness to low efficiency speakers?
I have owned several class A and A/B amplifiers made by some of the best (Pass, ATC, Forte, Coda, Levinson, Meridian, Linn, Krell, etc) and the class D Digital Amplifier Company amps bested them all! No grain or grit with “meat on the bones” tone ... 
Advice and help understanding, choosing a Widebander / Single Full Range Driver speaker?
Charney will be at the 2018 Capital Audio Fest...stop by for a listen if your there 
Speakers for First Watt SIT-1 amp
Curious here...Has anyone recommending the Cube speakers actually listened to them? Amps? Front end? Room? Impressions? Does Cube offer a return policy? 6Moons is a pro review site that sells advertising...Hmmm makes me wonder...ggking7 the best w... 
Speakers for First Watt SIT-1 amp
Has anyone heard single-driver speakers that don't sound congested with busy music?ggking7, If you get the chance please check out Charney Audio. Charney builds full range single driver horns based on the tractrix theory. I have a pair of the Mae... 
Amplifier for Harbeth 40.2
Look into the Digital Amplifier Company's (DAC) amp selection. I have had many different class A (Pass, ATC), A/B(too many to mention), and class D amps over the years. DAC's amps have a grain-less sweet clean tone, perfect bass reproduction, and ...