Responses from rockvirgo
Pros/Cons of Same Length Speaker Cables? Avoid coiling the excess. Speaker maker KEF recommends bundling the extra wire in concertina fashion, that is, fanfold like the bellows on an accordian. | |
Is SACD really this lousy? Jmazur, thanks for your noble-turned-riotous thread. For whatever reason, the LP fans seem the most hostile people in here. Their need to inflict pain on others as well as themselves is, well, painful. In striking contrast, CD listeners appear far... | |
Cables, Interconnects and More Cables??? Newsflash knuckleheads (you know who you are): People who like music celebrate its performance and enjoyment in any form. | |
Is SACD really this lousy? Stick with it Jmazur. You cats willing to try new things are the real pioneers. Thanks to Goose for understanding what it's really all about. Most of the peeps in here don't sound all that happy do they? It just means more used stuff for us to cho... | |
Better Electronics or New Cables??? Randal, I've got a theory that as one moves up the component food chain the less important the conductors become to the end result. I've had the good fortune to source some top of the line (in their day) pieces at these stereo websites. As a resul... | |
Cables, Interconnects and More Cables??? Sam until recently I was oogling Kimber 4TC/8TC. 30 years ago ordinary lampcord seemed to do the trick. Ten years ago I went to original Monster cable, mainly because I thought it looked cool and I'd heard thicker was better. I recently cut some o... | |
Source of Brightness try carpeting your room | |
Cables, Interconnects and More Cables??? Sam: RS flat braided ribbon 14AWG MegaCable is far from generic. It's pretty cool stuff and astonishingly different from bellwire or lampcord. Maybe if they branded it Radio Shacque...hmmm. Carl: that burlap makes nice grillcloth! :-) | |
Cables, Interconnects and More Cables??? Interesting Carl. But once inside you would have to decide which would get you drier, Egyptian hand woven cotton or Seacrest. | |
Can speaker cables damage amplifiers? Apparently with the appearance of low inductance cables and wide bandwidth amplifiers what 'just shouldn't be able to happen' is exactly what did happen in cable lengths exceeding three feet. Apparently some designers recognized the problem at tha... | |
Sealed vs Vented enclosures My guess is that the quality of the upstream electronics has about as much or more to do with the quality of the bass than the enclosure type. Here's why. I was nuts for acoustic suspension for about 20 years straight. Yep, it made shopping easy. ... | |
Can speaker cables damage amplifiers? Nelson Pass' 1980 article on speaker cables mentions oscillation among other things. Find it at Here is an except from page 3: "When a wave travelling down a length of cable reaches the end of the cable, it wil... | |
Your first stereo system My first real system was a top of the line Dual 1219 turntable with a Shure M91ED cartridge driving a Dynaco Pat 4/Stereo 120 combo through Dynaco A-25 speakers. The whole smear cost $440 via mailorder plus $9.15 for UPS from Dixie Hi-Fi. Bring ba... | |
Cables, Interconnects and More Cables??? Thanks Jkingtut for the vote of confidence. How about a new thread on the sound of the upmarket stuff when you get a chance? FYI Sam, I biwired my Threshold S/350e to a pair of ProAc Tablette 2000 Signatures with the Radio Shack flat 14 gauge mega... | |
Cables, Interconnects and More Cables??? Radio Shack has a very nice pure copper 14 AWG braided flat pair speaker wire. $20 for 50 feet. Unless you're pumping wads of current, you might want to try it. And if you like, replace it once a year and never look back. I'm guessing more than ha... |