
Responses from rockvirgo

Electronics in Dusty Environments
oops, just occurred to me. if ya got a mono/stereo switch give that puppy a shot of the juice too :-) 
Electronics in Dusty Environments
depending on what i'm grinding off, my beltsander makes quite a bit of very fine dust which in heavy use eventually shorts out the switch contacts inside it. i suggest the dust is not killing the electronics so much as blocking the signal where it... 
Target out of biz?
yikes what a shame. they're my first choice in speaker stands: elegantly understated, solid and tight, and beautifully finished. 
Bi-wiring speakers
to test jostler3's contention on a set of biwireable speakers, remove the conducting straps linking the two sets of terminals then connect speaker cables to either set of terminals. if the speaker still plays full range, then he's right you've bee... 
Bi-wiring speakers
bi-wiring offers the opportunity to allow the specifically assigned drivers to draw current through separate sets of wires, instead of all of the current through one set. it also allows ya to sleep at night knowing you're using the full capability... 
Acceptable hiss ?
With your ear up against the tweeter you're going to hear some hiss. If it's the same in both channels so much the better. It's normal. As long as it doesn't intrude at your listening position don't worry about it. 
RIAA Curve on LPs same for CDs?
RIAA encoding became an industry standard peculiar to vinyl technology. The grooves are cut with this RIAA'd signal and from there reconstituted or converted by the phono preamp. Why? My guess is to make LP's achieve high fidelity. Preamp makers c... 
Pre-amp or Pre-pro,, which one to get ?
Second that sounds right to me. Once we get the DSP'd signal looped back into the preamp something's gotta regulate it. Shortening the signal path by bypassing the preamp's volume control sounds like a good idea. Cool. 
Pre-amp or Pre-pro,, which one to get ?
Avitar, it's my understanding any preamp with a tape loop will feed the two channel, line level signal out to a separate processor. The processor will need it's own volume control though. Enjoy the journey. 
John Lennon
Wow thanks Mikec. Sure he was a person. Yet even today when listening to early Beatles or Double Fantasy I'm reminded how grateful I am to him. His paeans to Love continue to resonate deep inside me. Rest in peace John Lennon. 
Is it ok to leave the amp on?
If it's solid state leave it on if you can live with wasting, and paying for, the energy. At normal operating temperature a healthy unit ought to perform more closely to its intended purpose. Thermal cycling (on and off) appears to accelerate the ... 
Here's my two cents. In order for electric current to flow it must be drawn by a load, which is like a hungry energy magnet. The resistance in Ohms is a measure of the load/hunger. The higher the resistance in Ohms the less energy flows. Conversel... 
Musical threshold event
Yep 1953, I hear where you're coming from. My system sounded fascinating but had an unknown nervous quality to it until I replaced my Forte preamp (F44) with a Threshold (FET ten/hl). This made me cross over into pure musical enjoyment. I have sto... 
Never noticed the hiss myself. I am missing a reason to NOT to enjoy this phenomenal recording? 
Problems using both XLR and RCA inputs?
Ask Aragon. In general I'd say it's a recipe for disaster to attach two different loads to a stereo power amp. I like my amp. I'd never do it. But hey, it's only equipment :o)