
Responses from roberjerman

NYT on Electric Recording Co. vinyl
@millercarbon: "I am often skeptical of claims of vinyl's superiority ..." here Ben Sisario is obviously referring to the old analog vs. digital debate. How's your reading comprehension, eh? 
To horn or not to horn
I sold my first pair of Heresy's quickly when I had a chance to buy a pair of Altec Madrid 872's (15" bi-flex woofers).  
To horn or not to horn
I have Heresy's and Speakerlab 7's. The H's have metal EV mid and treble horns. The 7's have plastic mid and treble horns. The H's sound colored (overly bright) in the midrange and up. Some call this "detail" - not me! The 7's sound far more natur... 
Pass and ARC
If the price is right, go for it! And now, behind Door Number 3 ... 
Tuning Collars on speaker cables - concept and any good?
As effective as copper bracelets for treating arthritis! Stay away from Flat Earth technology!  
Lifespan of amps and preamps?
You didn't specify your source. Analog or digital? Both? Those would be the places to upgrade! 
Lifespan of amps and preamps?
If things are still working well and you enjoy the sound - keep your system! The grass is not always greener over the hill! 
Need help identifying this MC cartridge? Specs would be great!
Can you post a better picture? 
Suggestions please!! --Need to replace vintage Audio Research VT 200 Tube Power Amp
Get rid of that VT200. Buy a Crown XLS1502. 600wpc/4ohms!  $439! And it will still be working into the next century! 
Suggestions please!! --Need to replace vintage Audio Research VT 200 Tube Power Amp
Excessive screen-grid voltage/current is another problem area which can lead to tube death! 
Suggestions please!! --Need to replace vintage Audio Research VT 200 Tube Power Amp
The B+ voltage on the output tubes is too high for those Russian-made KT-series tubes! This wouldn't be a problem for original USA 6550's or British KT88's. But NOS supplies of those tubes are practically nonexistent! ARC shouldn't run those Russi... 
power cord directionality
Now back to the debate about whether copper or silver is better for passing an audio signal! 
power cord directionality
If wire has "directionality" why hasn't somebody in the past two hundred years found a way to measure and quantify it? Instead all that can be said is "my golden ears tell me it is so". This is NOT a scientific method in the least! 
My Demo results: I feel like I'm at a frustrating block in my speaker journey
A Marantz AVR! LOL! Ditch that and get some serious electronics!  
Amp for Magnaplanar 1.7i
Crown XLS1502. $439! 600wpc/4ohms! Why spend more?