
Responses from roberjerman

Will Quantum computing change the DAC game (in our lifetimes)?
The arrival of the AI will save us all!  
Will Quantum computing change the DAC game (in our lifetimes)?
You have to be nuts to think that a $100K DAC is "somehow" superior to a $1K (or less) DAC! 
Will Quantum computing change the DAC game (in our lifetimes)?
"All the King"s horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty back together again!" 
Adding a tube DAC to my BLUESOUND VAULT
On the other hand you can buy a Lampizator DAC for about $2K. Made in Poland! 
Adding a tube DAC to my BLUESOUND VAULT
For that low price you will have to buy something made in Ch*na! Which is ok! Look at your smartphone! Guess where that came from! 
Best bookshelf loudspeakers under 10,000 for the pair
You haven't lived until you've heard the LS3/5A"s! A true "desert island" speaker! 
Best bookshelf loudspeakers under 10,000 for the pair
Falcon Acoustics LS3/5A for $4K. A faithful recreation of the classic BBC mini-monitor! I have an original pair!  
What Have I Bought?
John Dahlquist later used those woofers in his DQ10s. I have a pair of DQ10s! 
What Have I Bought?
Advent made only two versions of the Large speaker: a fancy version with a beveled-edge front. And a "utility" version with a plain front. You have the fancy version. Not rare! Advent sold a lot of them. About $219/pair in 1970. 
What Have I Bought?
Advent made only two versions of the Large speaker: a fancy version with a beveled-edge front. And a "utility" version with a plain front. You have the fancy version. Not rare! Advent sold a lot of them. About $219/pair in 1970. 
Differences between Magnepan 1.6qr and 1.7i
The later generation Magnepans are using true ribbon tweeters for a substantial improvement in treble response. So if you want "detail", there it is! 
one box solution?
I'm sticking with my 1997 Marantz CD67 player! Truly excellent! I will put it up against any of today's expensive transports/DACs! One box to rule them all ... 
Wow an old album that rocked your world
Next up for a future listen will be Procul Harum's A Salty Dog! Again, an original A&M pressing from 1969! I in fact saw this band in concert in Vancouver in September 1972!  
Wow an old album that rocked your world
I recently listened to Procul Harum's Shine On Brightly. A 1968 A&M pressing. Truly a landmark progressive rock recording! Now, alas, largely forgotten! Check out side two's suite - In Held 'Twas In I. Robin Trower's masterful axe-playing is a... 
What was in your first "real" higher end audio system?
And today I have bought most of the above all over again, plus even more vintage gear!