
Responses from roberjerman

I think some cables are just a little too expensive.
I'm waiting for the $100K speaker cables! Audio Note are you listening? 
Need help finding a phono/preamp
Schiit Mani phono stage - $130. And a 5K ohm stereo pot connected to your long cables to reach the active KRK speakers. 
I think some cables are just a little too expensive.
How many pairs will Transparent sell over the next 12 months? Certainly a high-profit item! Just what the well-heeled need to complement their $21K Transparent ICs!  
Any ECM fans here?
In 1976-77 I went to Record Hunter on 42 and Fifth Avenue NYC twice and bought a total of 50 ECM LPs at $5.99 each. Excellent SQ and fine contemporary jazz! That was for my first high-end system! 
Mesa Boogie vs Fender
@dekay ; Ernie Ball made the Music Man amps - not Fender! They had a SS preamp with a tube output stage. I saw Johnny Winter use them in concerts! 
Transport to replace my cd player
If you must spend money get the Cambridge CXC and be done with it! You can then spend many happy hours comparing it with and without the Synchro-mesh! Me, I'd rather just listen to some music!  
Transport to replace my cd player
Back in the days of yore TAS liked the CEC belt-drive transport! IMO your search for a "better" transport is a futile endeavor. The proliferation of increasingly costly transports is a marketing strategy to snare the neurotic and insecure! The Emp... 
Odin, Spirit of the Water
"Call me Ishmael" !!! 
What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby?
Paying too high of a price for a pair of Quad 57's and then, years later, having to sell them at a loss! The smart thing would have been to just keep them! But I needed some fast cash! 
Remember the Ringmat? You should!
I'm experimenting with a magnesium mat on my Ariston RD11 TT. That's a very dead-sounding metal! So far the results are very good! This TT uses two very thin rubber rings embedded in the alloy platter for minimal contact with the LP. I also use a ... 
Is it a gender disorder?
My father said "Turn down that music! It's too loud!" That was the live Creedence Clearwater LP on the KLH 9's! Keep On Chooglin'! Sounded real good loud! 
Remember the Ringmat? You should!
Ringmat is made of compressed paper. Obviously better damping than a steel mat! Sell that steel mat if you can! 
Remember the Ringmat? You should!
Rock, paper, scissors, steel. Paper beats steel!  
No Improvement With Transparent Reference RCA Interconnects For Naim NDX 2 Streamer
"Tuning" ICs! LOL! 
No Improvement With Transparent Reference RCA Interconnects For Naim NDX 2 Streamer
Too bad you can't walk into that Transparent VP's office and throw those ICs on his desk!